Project Wiki OVERHAUL!!

Started by Aurora Borealis, December 06, 2010, 05:40:33 PM

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@aurora: yes, not all effeminate men are gay. but SE-kun is. there's evidence in the pictures and other stuff i've seen around the net.

i'm not sure how to approach moving the articles, so are you going to, or would you prefer me to do it?

i've made OSX-kun's article. will now work on updating the -kun articles that exist with little information. first up, ME-kun.
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Aurora Borealis

I could work on merging the OSX and Mac articles.


@Aurora: Thanks. I didn't know a 3rd design existed, so thanks for adding it

I suppose next I could look through some of the other -tan articles and see what needs to be updated. I also need to get back to work on my story, so I can finish fleshing out Neptune; allowing me to finish her article


Anyone know whats up with this? I see this time and again all around the wiki.
(See Attachment)
Official -tans are my bat signal.


Quote from: DustiiWolf on November 03, 2012, 04:34:10 PM
Anyone know whats up with this? I see this time and again all around the wiki.
(See Attachment)

That's where the avatar goes.


Well i know that, but why is it showing that text instead? (ive come across other articles with no image in the infobar that didnt have that text. i cant remember what they are, but still.)
Official -tans are my bat signal.


I added some technical details on NT-tan's article

Would you think that NT-tan would count all the NT-based versions of Windows prior to 2000? I ask because her info box seems a little inaccurate; with it saying her last stable release was an NT 3.51 service pack from 1996, when there were NT 4.0 service packs until 2001


Thanks. I wanted to be sure before I changed that bit of info

I'm likely going to go through and find other Windows-tans that lack technical info; given that Windows history is a specialty of mine :3


Updated the Multimedia links for the Subbed Troubled Windows Opening.

The original subbed video used a font that was hard(er) to read and was very low resolution, so i personally jotted down the lyrics from the sub, took the original flash in full screen (Metro Chrome,to be exact), and a screen recorder, recorded the video, aligned the audio, re-added the captions (Using a better font thats funner and brighter to read) in Movie Maker, and uploaded it to YouTube in a shining 720p HD. :) (

Im currently working on a transcript file for the video to upload to YouTube.
transcripted. now it supports the transcript tab below the video, as well as YouTube Captions (Pointless for english viewers, since this is subbed, but good for foreign viewers using "translate captions")
Official -tans are my bat signal.


@dustii: no! bad! bad dustii! proper grammar is important for subtitling! if you're going to do it, make sure to properly space your text and include apostrophes in your "I'm"s!
(btw, i agree the font is more suiting, but i'll tell you the history behind the yellow block letters: when the first subtitled anime came out, it was subbed using that block font, possibly because it was cheap, easy to read, situation-neutral, or was the default on the video editor. a lot of bootleg anime still uses it today, as do some uncut series (i have a dvd with the subs in that font). there's history behind it, is all.)

also, the audio track on your version of it seems a touch garbled. it could have been because i have a lot of tabs up, but i've never had a problem like that before, so was it poor quality audio to begin with? because i can get you better audio if need be. (though, tbh, i don't really see the need for an HD version, i was always able to read the old one just fine....)
if you're going to update the original Troubled Windows section of the multimedia article, it might be good to include the alternate version (it has different pics). it can be found in

the os-tan playlist i've compiled on youtube.

as for the empty text spaces in the articles, it's my understanding that they're placeholders for images that were either removed to make room for higher res ones, or that were deleted from the wiki entirely. if you feel the need, go ahead and take it upon yourself to upload an image of the -tan in question and attach it. that was part of the "article cleanup" i mentioned.

made the ME-kun article. took me much longer than anticipated, but i had a friend over today, so i think i'm justified.
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Sorry about the I'm's. ;w; force of habit (i used to have my pc a long time ago setup to correct Im as I'm)

and its your tabs. It plays smoothly on my end, and ive got damn near the worst excuse for "high-speed" internet in existence.
The audio i used was from i higher def (but still not 720p) video without the subtitles, so if the original link was just fine, than the new one should be AT LEAST just as good. (I tested the video in youtube after uploading)

The alternate version should also be listed on the Multimedia page? D: right under the current one! (Checked. It Is.)

Also, No we didnt necessarily NEED a higher def. one, but the original one when played on a current day device in full screen contained blurriness and loss of quality, making it harder to read the subtitles. The newer one is a lot nicer, with easier to read subs, and when played in its highest resolution (720p), there is no loss of quality when played full screen (at least on my monitor there isnt {1366x768}).

edit: properly space? i did! D: i used single spacing. word[spacebar]word[spacebar]etc...! Hows that not proper?
Official -tans are my bat signal.


"as you strikethe keys, your eyes get closer."

the interactive one is listed under the one you posted. the alternate one shows some of the other possibilities, since even with 5 run throughs you're not guaranteed to see all the options.
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A question for Aurora mainly, though I'd appreciate the input of others as well:

I've been thinking of ways we can get more info on various OS-tans FROM the forum threads and ONTO the wiki, where they stand a much better chance of being found by any infomation-seekers out there. While there's lots of info on the wiki and some highly comprehensive articles, there's still a lot of anecdotal information, theories and the like that haven't found there way into their proper articles.

While we should strive to produced fleshed-out articles (i.e., more than a line or two or a bulleted list), I'm wondering if it would be in bad form to collect various theories, anecdata, etc. from the different forum threads and post them, verbatim, on the wiki? I realize this could turn quite messy quite quickly (especially when you consider that most of these theories are presented in a first-person, out-of-universe perspective), but perhaps if we presented it as a quotation, assigned to a certain user and perhaps even with some sort of reference back to its original thread it wouldn't be as bad?

I was going to post an example, but I've gone and tired myself out writing this. >>


Sounds like an interesting idea; given how many theories have been thrown around on the forums that have never found their way into the wiki


in the past, i've used "it has been said" or "it seems" or "it's been suggested" when i list something that i'm only 85% sure of in an article. extending this, if you made it clear that the lines added were user-based and not yet set in stone, i don't see a problem, provided it's all combined into a logical, cohesive format.

if we want to get things more concrete, i could reboot the theory thread again. >w>
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