Project Wiki OVERHAUL!!

Started by Aurora Borealis, December 06, 2010, 05:40:33 PM

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Quote from: NejinOniwa on June 02, 2011, 07:15:12 AM
Let's not mention the role Unix has in Leopard's present predicament, either...lest the thread become filled with hate, rage, and more rage. -w-;

I read those "g's" as "p's", damn you. >___>

We don't know *when* exactly in the past/future Unix sent Leopard on various missions, but it's possible some of them had to do with the Unix Wars... or maybe Unix sent her into the future to see if she should eventually give Linux leadership over the family. (This might account for the Linux hate, if you think about it...)


i'd think the imb thread would be the place to discuss this sort of thing. :\

new infobox looks good, aurora. :3 and great to hear that they're split! ^^ i'll start on their article right away. ^^
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Aurora Borealis

Back on-topic (though I'd like to continue the discussion, how about in the character development thread? There's stuff I'm looking for input on there too), do you all like the new additions to the infobox?

@Choco: I saw your new post when I was about to submit this! ahahahaha! Glad you like the infobox, and I'll be looking forward to their articles. Quite frankly, I don't know anything about those two characters.


i'm not sure how, but i know alot about the os-kuns and canon relationships (it's annoying that you guys shorten it to "ships", i get all confused ><; ). it might be because of the info i got from soul-reply a long time ago. :3
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Aurora Borealis

Okay. Should their be a page on canon relationships, or should they be mentioned for each character in their articles?


i'd rather mention them in their articles, but at request i'd be willing to draw up a "who likes who" chart, and we could link to that image. :\
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Aurora Borealis

I think that sounds like the better option.


kk. i'll try to get around to it. (but i'm only gonna do the canon ones, since the ones we've made are too numerous to chart. *__*;; )
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So... apparently you decided to change the template and created a new one, but then decided to turn it back to the old one and just modified it. OK... I'd suggest you try aligning the images to the center of the cell space. At least then it doesn't look somewhat weird looking at the info boxes. Alternative could to use images with wide aspect ratio... but then that would make you do the same work twice (at least for the ones changed already.

And I see that the Windows Vista article is quite developed... even with images! Cool! I guess the same could be done for 7, since Futaba seems to have no real care for Nanami (although they should, she's really moe).
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umm......go read the 7 article. i wrote it myself. :\
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No no... with the image thingies... I need to be more specific with these things. lol

I do like your article, although a second read made me wonder why were the Bing girls placed there. Then I shrugged it off because of I remember the Windows 7 themes they had for them. Wonder if anyone ever got them all I sure didn't. MS should do that promo again with the bing girl, although more permanent this time.
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i have all of them, as well as a few themes i made myself. lemme know if you want them.

i put them in with the 7-tan article because since there were so many already, and they were made specifically for windows 7 (one is even named nanami), that it felt appropriate (since i wanted them to be included, too).
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I do want them themes... I need I do.

As for the Bing girls, I guess you could keep them there or make them part of the site tans... like Google-tan. At least then they could be used as independent characters for the collective Microsoft family. Would serve for a better show of how much the family has "branched out". Just saying.

Hmm... would that be a topic of discussion for the storylines thing or something?
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well, bing is owned by microsoft, so it feels like they belong better where they are. besides, while google is associated with everyone, the bing girls are only associated with windows 7 (barely even that).
and the topic fits here, so long as we don't start discussing HOW they're connected. that could derail quickly. :\
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Actually, that may not be entirely true...

MS and Verizon Wireless have a deal to use Bing as the default search engine, Facebook is alson in some kind of deal with Bing. RIM also is integrating Bing into their devices. Even Nokia had a deal for Bing in Symbian before they went and changed to focus on Windows Phone. When it comes to some of their products, Microsoft wouldn't actually mind providing them to the competition if that means getting to make a profit. For a group bent on "locking in" customers, they're quite open bunch.
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