Project Wiki OVERHAUL!!

Started by Aurora Borealis, December 06, 2010, 05:40:33 PM

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Aurora Borealis

That helped! :D

I added both maps to the page.

Aurora Borealis

I created the OS-tan lineage article for the DOS/Win9x-based Windows-tans:

Aurora Borealis

*sigh* I hate having to triple post, but I expanded some details on ME-tan's and 2K-tan's articles.

Heheheheh... I keep straying from whatever I was intended to focus on. Our main focus now should be on the OS-tan Lineage section- why not? It's an ambitious thing I can't do singlehandedly. I got one article up... several more to go! Any ideas how to start the next ones?

Even if you're not in an article-editing mood, post ideas here!


I can probably help with the lineages of the MIT society and DEC-tans, just have to convert my map into textual form. And add info. Of which I have much.

The Win 9x/DOS line article looks good. RED, TAKE NOTE. TT;;

Aurora Borealis

Okay! From what I've typed up, is it accurate that there isn't a single DEC bloodline, but multiple lineages united by cultural ties?

Good thing you're there for the MIT section! I understand it better now, but just don't know how to word it, and how descendants from the MIT society founded their own separate lineages. x_x

And among the Unices, was the split between the Sys V and BSD branches a cultural one, with BSD's descendants seeing her as their leader? And to make things more confusing, there are multiple schisms within the BSD branch itself, the major one being those (including BSD herself!) affiliating with the rest of the "Old Guard" Unices in the LUC , and those FOSS ones in the User Space Gang or Wanderer Class.


Well.... maybe writing about the MIT-tans is more work than I expected...

I keep running into trouble - there are a few true MIT OS-tans (Whirlwind, LINC), many more who are MIT-made but funded by outside corporations (SAGE, Multics, CP/CMS), OSes that were created by MIT but hardware came from outside companies (CTSS, ITS), hardwares that were largely designed at MIT but branded by other companies (PDP-1), and systems influenced by MIT computers but weren't MIT-made at all (SABRE, BUIC, most of the LINC- or PDP-1-derived DEC-tans, IBM 7090, H-6180, etc). While I will continue to insist there is an MIT society, I somehow feel that there needs to be a better term for the collection of hardware and OS-tans I just named... .__.;

Aurora Borealis

I like the term MIT Society, and would say that at this point it's more culturally-based than bloodline-based as many of them listed are either:

1. Partly made by MIT (the OS, but not hardware) but still identify as an MIT-tan (i.e: CTSS, ITS- it can be said they mainly represent the OS, and their hardware second)
2. Still considered products of MIT even if their funding came from elsewhere.
3. In the case of PDP-1-tan, she still identifies as an MIT.
4. Those that were MIT-influenced but not MIT-made (unlike their predecessors) are new lineages descended from, but separate from the original MIT Society, but should still be mentioned as a part of the Society's legacy.


I like Aurora-dono's concept the best so far, for the MIT's.


....her concept is pretty much my concept.... I never said they were a bloodline, though most of them are loosely related.


I didn't read any farther then Aurora-dono's since it made sense to me...... I'm lazy, in case you'd forgotten.

Aurora Borealis

Aurora Borealis

I've been on an updating spree again, looking for pictures to add to articles. Yeah, I'm getting distracted again. @_@

Latest article to get pretty-fied with pictures:


Looks good Aurora. >W<

Also, that Pre-Macintosh line article was quite informative~ Good work from our Senior Mac-tan Expert! ^^

Aurora Borealis

Thanks! I'm hoping to find more articles to pretty up (whether it's by finding pics or drawing new ones), and inspiration came quickly for the pre-Mac article. :)


all i can input on linages is to re-read the theory thread, and that i found some lineage pics of the os-tans (the windows and macs specifically) on my internet travels of earlier this year. they're going to be uploaded when i get some free time.
click to make it bigger