Project Wiki OVERHAUL!!

Started by Aurora Borealis, December 06, 2010, 05:40:33 PM

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BE BRAVE, MAN! or at least refine it to the point where you can be brave. :3
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fien, though I'm logging out for the time being directly after ¬3¬


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Aurora Borealis

Now that thumbnails are working again, I added some pictures to Vistan's article, and trimmed down some of the descriptions.

Aurora Borealis

Working on more early OS-tan articles, among them, I updated BESYS-tan's article to include her backstory. On my GMOS family portraiture, Stew informed me that BESYS-tan died in 1964, shortly before Multics was born. I inferred that BESYS's lifeforce was sacrificed in the process. One of BESYS's sisters, UMES-tan (article also updated) suffered the same fate when MTS-tan was created but lived a little longer.

Also moving articles away from using what -was- the new infobox before simply updating the older one. Still have quite a few to go. T_T Why did I think making a separate infobox was a good idea at the time?


I haven't heard of that life-force-switching thing before. Quite odd.

Articles look good though~


I'd like to put something in on that sacrificial thing as well (it can be worked into Code Theory with little effort, from what I see), but that'll have to be someday when I'm not way off my bedtime -_-


Not me.... otherwise Unix-sama would have been bled of her lifeforce long ago. (Having OVER 9000! successors and all.) >_____>

Building a complex world is fun, but sometimes it can get too - ah, screwit, I'll just incorporate what I like in my stories and ignore the rest. <<


Times change, m'dear. Besides, the sacrificial ritual would be pretty easy to implement as a Code spell - the rest is just an old human/computer custom. Ofc, we can dis-/agree to various parts of that to differing degree...

Aurora Borealis

Lifeforce sacrifice is pretty much limited to the 70's and earlier. Could be due to a scarcity then, and maybe ancient computer-tans weren't able to regenerate their own lifeforce after a daughter was created. Many of the OS-tans of the 40's and 50's were lucky if they lived for 10 years!


If a -tan's entire pool, or more, of Code was forcibly transplanted from an old computer to a new one using correct spellwork and tools, it would have a sacrificial effect and a boon on the newborn as well. You could probably try it today as well, but it'd probably be a bit harder to bring anything down seeing as the amount of hardware support/spread almost all -tans have leave them quite sturdy against such an attack on their Code pool.


This idea is kludgy and elephantine. .__________.;;;;;;;

Aurora Borealis

I didn't think it was that hard to follow. To simplify, early systems didn't have a wide code base (with few, or even only one installation site), so when those early systems got discontinued (and shut down), their life force would take a huge hit or even lose it all. Back then, the idea of keeping obsolete systems alive (the concept of retrocomputing) didn't really exist, so in several cases, an old system was sacrificed to create a successor. I hope that makes sense.


My criticism has nothing to do with not understanding the theory.

Actually, imma just stfu now. People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones... ~w~

Aurora Borealis

My bad. Maybe we shouldn't think too hard about that sacrifice theory.

Still migrating articles over to the current info box. That'll be my top priority in the wiki work, followed by adding pictures and clean up or update articles that especially have quality issues.