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What are You Wearing?

Started by Bella, September 26, 2010, 12:14:38 PM

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That would help

Anyway, getting ready for work now, so I'm equipping:

- Black scrub shirt w\ plain blue t-shirt underneath
- Black screb pants (With lots of pockets)
- The other usual stuff I have when I'm at work (Shoes, pager, name badge, glasses, etc.)
- A pair of denim shorts (To change out to when I get off)


black tanktop
hippie skirt
hair in ponytail
the usual accessories.

yeesh, i'm boring. wait, no, i'm just lazy. ><;
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- Grey Diddy Kong Racing DS t-shirt (I hate that version of the game, but the shirt is nice and comfortable in the summer)
- Black basketball shorts
- Glasses

Much better than what I have to work; that gets way too hot when I have to go outside


bikini top
hippie skirt
hair in bun
the usual accessories.

earlier: bikini top
kiro-neko-sama tshirt (trigun)
red shorts
hair in bun
the usual accessories

EVEN earlier:
(remove shirt, same for everything else).
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- Plain blue t-shirt
- blue denim shorts; slightly faded
- Black athletic shoes
- Glasses

Off work, but once again stuck waiting on my dad to get off. At least I packed a change of clothes and Asagi


brown t-shirt
brown pants
semi-nerd glasses


hippie skirt
kiro-neko-sama shirt
hair in (messy) bun
the usual accessories.
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brown tanktop
aqua blue kneelength hippiskirt
owl, planchette and dharmacakra pendants
garnet studs and new glass bead earrings


striped collar shirt (black/white/red)
Denim Pants
grey underwear

nuff said.


bikini top
hippie skirt
(black polka-dotted pantsu >>; )
hair in (messy) bun
the usual accessories.
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i would be high atm; naked, but since i am out of grass,

the usual


Since I'm the only person at home right now, I'm currently in Trap Mode for the hell of it, so:

- Light blue t-shirt
- Knee-length black skirt
- Lunar 2 pendent
- Gold clip-on earrings
- The same pair of glasses, as always


Just carpender pants.

it is the hottest day of the year here so far.


bikini top
hippie skirt
hair in bun
the usual accessories.

i haven't worn an official bra in almost a week...... :\
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Poncho bearing ancient insignias
Ancient Roman sandals
Sheathed longsword
Bow strapped to back

I've been playing Shadow of the Colossus
In real life, with real colossi

@choco  That's hot! Want to borrow my longsword so you can slay that thing in the sky what's making the weather warm?