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What are You Wearing?

Started by Bella, September 26, 2010, 12:14:38 PM

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Why must you people dress so epic-like? D:

plaid pants
and I have my hair straightened out after weeks of not giving a damn about it being curly. = =


Curly just makes for tangly, in my experience.

Gray-squares pants
Gray-squares hoodie (white lining instead of black tho)
Red-and-black-on-white-squares ss shirt



i'm not fond of curly on myself most of the time....especially after my hair when i was young :[

san jose #1 honda tshirt
black pj pants (ripped)
grey christmasey socks
shower cap (dying hair)
the usual accessories
heating pad (i fell down the stairs, so it's on my ass :\)
click to make it bigger


Dark brown pajama pants (in the middle of changing into nightwear...)
White tank top
Dark grey hoodie (... but not quite done yet)

Hair dye~ if I ever cut my hair very short, I'll dye it pink at the same time. x)


i should post a picture of my friend colleen then. (she was little sleeping ninja on here for about 6 months or so.) hers is shorter than mine, and is a lovely fuchsia. :3 well, more of a magenta actually. :\
click to make it bigger


My my, aren't you lovely~


Hmm... about the same as I normally wear.

Black socks
Black dress pants
White T-shirt being worn under
Grey/Black pinstriped dress shirt.
Yes, at 3:10 AM. That's how I roll.  8)

Mostly all my dress shirts are greys, blacks and blues. I have one red one.
Dark dress clothes just look good I guess. (not all my clothes are like this, just the majority I wear)


I'm wearing the exact same thing as Choco!

Except black.

All black.

Even the shower cap.

And I'm wearing Morpheus's shades from the Matrix.  And Robocop's jet pack that I modified in my garage with a GPS antenna that looks pretty awesome.  I had to wrap it with electrical tape to make it look black, though...

I, uhh... I am... Batman.


Quote from: svx on January 10, 2011, 02:14:20 AM
I'm wearing the exact same thing as Choco!

Except black.

All black.

Even the shower cap.

And I'm wearing Morpheus's shades from the Matrix.  And Robocop's jet pack that I modified in my garage with a GPS antenna that looks pretty awesome.  I had to wrap it with electrical tape to make it look black, though...

I, uhh... I am... Batman.

Rock on svx. Rock on.


Quote from: UltZero on January 10, 2011, 02:16:46 AM
Rock on svx. Rock on.

You like my outfit?  Awesome man!  Alright, here...

I've decided to give you the schematics for my modifications to the jetpack so you can build your own!

I think I've started a new trend?  Hmm... How do I apply for Person of the Year with Times Magazine?

Anyway, schematic:

And a tutorial on how to make it:

First, you will need several items:

1.)  A jet pack

2.)  Any GPS antenna or receiver... I used a Garmin DC 30

3.)  Electrical tape

First, hold the GPS antenna/receiver (or cell phone, laptop battery, DVD case, etc; whatever you want to use) against the jet pack.  Apply slight pressure to keep it in place.

Next, apply the end of some electrical tape to one side of the jetpack at the edge of the GPS receiver, and then unroll the tape across the item.  Secure it tightly by placing the other end of the electrical tape on the opposite side, allowing the adhesive qualities of the tape to work their magic.  Repeat as necessary to firmly mount the item to the jet pack.

And, uhh... If your GPS receiver/antenna has any wires for hooking it up to something, just... let them dangle there, I guess.  They look cool when you fly around like that.  Like streamers on a bicycle.


Svx. In a single day, within such a short period of time, you have proven yourself as thoroughly awesome to these mere mortal eyes of mine.

Now where does one acquire a working jet-pack, eBay? Even so I'm short on cash; I fear I shall never be able to experience this exciting new development of technology...

You just may be the hero of this Era. *salutes* I will follow you to the depths of hell... maybe.


Gray shirt, Swedish Army issue outer shirt, jeans, socks, slippers.


Quote from: svx on January 10, 2011, 02:41:11 AM

I'm wearing the exact same thing as Choco!

Except black.

All black.

Even the shower cap.

And I'm wearing Morpheus's shades from the Matrix.  And Robocop's jet pack that I modified in my garage with a GPS antenna that looks pretty awesome.  I had to wrap it with electrical tape to make it look black, though...

I, uhh... I am... Batman.

QuoteAnd, uhh... If your GPS receiver/antenna has any wires for hooking it up to something, just... let them dangle there, I guess.  They look cool when you fly around like that.  Like streamers on a bicycle.

I lol'd so hard that, had I been drinking, I'm sure it would have shot out my nose. XD;;;


you were dying your hair too?

grey sweatshirt
red tanktop
black death tshirt
black pj pants (ripped)
christmas socks
newly dyed hair
the usual accessories
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