Forum Games: What would you do if...?

Started by Pitkin, December 27, 2005, 03:13:00 PM

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I would never eat lemon! Never!

What would you do if
*this is not h section right?*

You find out that your GF is one of the futanaries?


Wonder how the hell she's been able to hide it...

What would you do if you got raeped by Nejin?
I dont tell you how to tell me what to do, so dont tell me how to do what you tell me to do... Bender the Great) :/
[Img disabled by Fedora-Tan]
Thanks Fedora-sama
Homer no function beer well without (Homer Simpson) ^_^


You would never be able to tell...until nine months later.

WWYDI you received an 10000$ invoice for "overcompensation of sex appeal"?


Just pay it by credit! No harm no blood!  ^_^

What would you do if

Smokey is loves you so much?


I'd simply quarter-circle forward + punch (HADOUKEN!)

What would you do if you found every single song on your MP3 player was replaced with the works of Rick Astley?


Find a drunk soldier, tell him that shi* on my MP3 is funny and trade it with his one....(or just reupload my stuff...Naah i wouldn't even bother, lately i only listen radio on that thing)

What would you do if you get ripped off when you trade your MP3 player?
I dont tell you how to tell me what to do, so dont tell me how to do what you tell me to do... Bender the Great) :/
[Img disabled by Fedora-Tan]
Thanks Fedora-sama
Homer no function beer well without (Homer Simpson) ^_^


Call 911 right off the bat.  We're going to get this situation to escalate quickly.  Uhn...  Prosecute...  I'll need a lawyer.  I'd ask Nejin, but I won't pay for the work.  A frivolous lawsuit against the idiot that... ripped me off...

It'll work.  We'll get the RIAA involved.  The MP3 player?  It's loaded with MP3's.  This scumbag's going to get it.  Nejin...  Prepare the laser beams.

What would you do if this entire situation was highly publicized in the press, newspapers and news corporations like CNN and FOX gave it constant coverage?  Would you... organize a riot or peaceful demonstration to help me out, or...?  Uhn...


When ordinary protests don't work, launch your railgun-equipped protests.

WWYDI you won the trial, but the defendant turned out to be a high-ranking member of a mysterious zombie ninja mafia clan?



Zombie...  Ninjas?  A clan of them?  Uhn...  Getting over my head here...

I'd have to hire someone.  Someone like Naruto, with a bright orange jumpsuit, to infiltrate their equally mysterious organization.  Steal documents.  Cause problems.  The laser beams from earlier can probably solve a lot of issues for me, but we don't want to draw attention from even bigger ninja/zombie/mafia clans...

The goal? The goal is simple. Winning the lawsuit got me my MP3 player and a few million dollars, but I want more. I want to save the world from these guys now.  And that's what I'll do, but Naruto'll probably screw it all up for me.  Orange jumpsuit... ninja...

What would you do if I wanted to assemble land-based... torpedos... in your back yard?  To help accomplish my goals?


You seem to be on something here, boi, so I'll give you access to the RTD1W network. It'll allow you to launch them from my back yard...straight to its target. Wherever they may be.

BUT! SUDDENLY! Since I and my army of robots are elsewhere fighting, the back yard is unprotected. The ninja zombie mafia knows its strategic importance, and they launch a heavy attack on your position!
How do you fortify this back yard?


I'd be there, in your back yard.  Assembling torpedos.  And suddenly, these ninja zombie mafiosos would climb over the fence?  Unnggh...

First, I'd laugh at them.  Buy some time.  I'd laugh like Don Kanonji from Bleach.  Here's a picture to demonstrate this.

As I did that.  I'd detonate your house.  Do you remember when I was crawling around in your attic? And then under your stairs?  Yeah. I was strapping large amounts of C4 onto every surface I could find.  This thing's going to be big.  Here's another picture to demonstrate.

This... uhn... vulnerability...?  It was a trap.  I really got those ninjas.

What would you do if you saw all of this happening?  On TV?


Chuckle and smile...

As the house detonates, the entrance to an underground complex is revealed. You enter. What do you see?


I'm... puzzled.  I enter the underground complex, and the first thing I notice is the white walls.  It's like a hospital.  You're probably the one who went through and wrote all over them though, right?  Uhn...  Little messages everywhere.

"Secret base.  -w-"
"Take elevator.  Giev ride.  GIEV RIDE FROM TEH ELVATR!"

Rooms all over.  Like an office building.  I thought I saw Alma's shadow in the corner...

I feel like I took the red pill at this point.  I'll keep going though...

What happens when I... listen to the scribbles on the wall?  I take elvatr down one floor for teh free ried it gievs?


(This is becoming more and more like some sort of mysterious tabletop cyberpunk RPG, and I liek it. -w-)
The mysterious scribbles zoom out from the wall, and follow you into the elevator. While riding the text changes to "HELLO. DO YOU LIEK CAEK? THERE IS CAEK ON NEXT FLOOR, BUT THIS ELEVATOR ONE-FLOOR ONLY. FIND NEXT ELEVATOR FOR CAEK!". It hovers in the air for a while, and when you've read the message it snaps to a doodle of a plate with Bolognese on it with the text "Pasta~" written over, and plasters itself on the brick wall of the elevator.

The elevator opens. The next floor is entirely painted matte black. You smell rice in the air.
What do you do?


...Uhn...?  First.  I'll pull out a bottle of ABSOLUT VODKA and down about half of it.  I need to be drunk for this.  Wait, cake?  I liek cake.  Liek.  I mispelled that one purposefully.  The LCD(? We hope so?) wall with the... changing... text... must be getting to me.  I liek rice too.  So this is a restaraunt you've built in this underground bunker?  Huh?

I'll bite.  I stagger into the room, already partially drunk.  Prepared to do a bankai if there's danger.  I'll be fine.

I fire off one round from my sidearm, too.  A Taurus .45.  There wasn't a reason to do it... I just... did.  I liek firing guns at things.  After blasting a hole into the far wall, I begin to search first for the rice, and then for the elavtr that gievs the ride to cake.  I'm getting hungry.

What happens as I do all this?