Forum Games: What would you do if...?

Started by Pitkin, December 27, 2005, 03:13:00 PM

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Answer: The book would be a lifestory of a depressed person located against his will in the most centric place in the world, after not having been allowed to die graciously in battle earlier.

No, that wouldn't bring me a Nobel. :D

Question: If you were an anime character and had to choose one of the 'less-natural' hair colours as your own, which one would it be?


I've always had a thing for blue hair, so it would have to be that

Question:  If you could be the only person on Earth for a day, what things would you do?


*slips in, unannounced*

I'd probably sing "The Lumberjack Song" in Times Square!

Next question:
What would you do if you could control the minds of people over the internet?

Alex Stankevitch

QuoteWhat would you do if you could control the minds of people over the internet?

Ohh let me think, I could probably use them to transfer money to my bank account. Let me beat them at BF2 to rank up and if there are any fit girls hotwire their heads to think im the next best thing since sliced bread.

Question Time:

If you could own any mega-corperation, which would it be?


QuoteIf you could own any mega-corperation, which would it be?

The Virgin Group! Hellz yeah! Airlines, records, cola, trains, they've got about everything I'd want! Who wouldn't want billions of dollars and an image that screams "playboy"!

Next question:
If you could travel to any time period (in the past), what would it be?


QuoteIf you could travel to any time period (in the past), what would it be?

the 1950's. Lol i'd want to see how many people would call me a communist before i snapped  ;011  ;013

If you could go on a date with anyone (male or female) from any time in history, who would it be?


Helen of Sparta, oftentimes erroneously referred to as Helen of Troy.  (She was Greek, not Trojan, born and raised in Sparta; and although she wasn't a Trojan, she spent some time at Troy thanks to that Paris guy.)

Sophia Vasiliou as "Helen"


Question:  If you were offered ââ,¬â€ free of catches and charges ââ,¬â€ an all-expenses-paid six-month vacation at an Oceania island of your choice, which one would you choose?




QuoteQuestion: If you were offered ââ,¬â€ free of catches and charges ââ,¬â€ an all-expenses-paid six-month vacation at an Oceania island of your choice, which one would you choose?

That's a tough question ^^; Well i'd say new zealand cause it's really pretty and nice but i wouldn't turn down Australia either.

What would you do if you were elected president of the USA?  ;013  ;015  ;014


the red pill. a life of mediocrachy isn't a life i'd want to live.

If you were a jedi, would you follow the dark side or the light side? ;013


The light side. It's too trendy to be all evil and crap like that, so I decide to side the light. ^__^

What would you do if you were offered a share in a major construction project aiming to turn the Outer Hebrides into a hugely popular beach resort?

Alex Stankevitch

QuoteWhat would you do if you were offered a share in a major construction project aiming to turn the Outer Hebrides into a hugely popular beach resort?

Id take it, hopefully all 49% of it and wait untill its worth something big and sell all my shares. Millions here I come...


What would you do if you were offered Ã,£500 (or local equivilant) on a new computer?


Not take the money as it is probablly a scam to get me lured into somewhere so they can kill me. Who, I have no Idea...but I'm semi-paranoid so it doesn't matter does it?

What would you do if I had never of come back?

Alex Stankevitch

QuoteWhat would you do if I had never of come back?

Not sure, probably done the same as id ever done as im not one of your best mates, yet...


What would you do if you fly?

(Im running out of ideas)


Assume I've slept for 20 years (Rip van Winkle). And go see the world of the future...and complain how it's nothing like the people of the past wanted!

What would you do if you could send yourself (meaning your mind) to other worlds/universes (such as movies/ anime/ video games/ manga)?


i'd be a very happy happy person XD! i'd live the evagelion universe and marry Asuka *swoons* mmmm....Asuka *drools*

;010  ;013

anyway, what would you do if aliens came to enslave human?  o_o