Forum Games: What would you do if...?

Started by Pitkin, December 27, 2005, 03:13:00 PM

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Transfer my mind into a mechanical shell

WWYDI you has the power to kill a yak from 200 yards away with mind bullets?


start seeing if i can use them on things other than yaks.

wwydi you were a massive derp and forgot to do something important?
click to make it bigger


Make with the doing of the thing -w-;

WWYDI you said something that came out wrong; sounding much dirtier than intended?


roll with it because that's what i do. -w-

wwydi free pizza?
click to make it bigger


Eat it. Just eat it

WWYDI you had a fountain connected to a never-ending supply of Coca-Cola?


revel in the fact that i will be saving money for the rest of my life.

wwydi you were immersed in the world of one of your favourite comics/stories/games/etc?
click to make it bigger


Explore said world; find out as much as I can about it -w-

WWYDI you suddenly became your character from a game, complete with all of their abilities?


live out that life. seems better than this one.

wwydi you starred in a porno but had no memory of it?
click to make it bigger


Hope my mom doesn't stumble onto it, as she'll refuse to believe that I don't remember it >_>;

WWYDI your spaceship's AI was going insane and trying to kill you?


kill it first. then kick myself because i just killed myself too.

wwydi you were in a tiny escape pod stocked with enough food, water, and resources to last you the rest of your life, but you were alone?
click to make it bigger


It already feels like I'm in that situation, minus internet :\

WWYDI you went somewhere to meet up with me, but instead found my characters from MapleStory waiting in my place?


wonder what the fuck kind of dream this was.

wwydi you woke up and your head and pillow was covered in red (hair dye)?
click to make it bigger


Be confused, but then feel proud of being a ginger Time Lord -w-;

WWYDI you found Mario's wing cap?


this. but hopefully not with the ass potato quality.

wwydi every site you clicked on was region-locked to a different country?
click to make it bigger


Use the TARDIS to move around countries. Problem solved

WWYDI the Weighted Companion Cube was in your room?