Forum Games: What would you do if...?

Started by Pitkin, December 27, 2005, 03:13:00 PM

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Live there

WWYDI you were part of an indie rock band with some friends?


hope that i was the lead singer because that's basically all i can do outside of chopsticks on the piano. .__.;;

wwydi you suffered from narcolepsy?
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Find some way to correct the problem if possible. Otherwise, fall asleep at the keyboard

WWYDI you had the power to teleport to anywhere within a 10-mile radius of your current location?


France, Japan and then the US.

WWYDI you had to pick a fight with a super hero who would you pick a fight with?


(TEN MILES. only ten. >>;  )

Krypto the fucking Super Dog. -w-;

wwydi by some circumstance you became the king of a small, doomed country?
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Try to help it rise from the ashes...and then have a party. It's good to be the king

WWYDI you were Luigi?


end up with a sweet-ass mansion and romance all the hot bitches.

wwydi you had the power to bring all your ideas to life?
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I'd then make Palestine, NH a reality, and use a portal between it and the TX counterpart to move >:3
(Also, there are so many pictures that would finally happen)

WWYDI you wanted to make a muffin, yet the ingredients to make one have gone bad?


possibly make one anyway because i'm no stranger to eating garbage food.

wwydi you weren't allowed to cook anything for a year?
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Bribe others into cooking for me

WWYDI you had a really rare PlayStation controller variant?


guard it and then post pics on 4chan and the like to evoke jealousy. -w-

wwydi you had technocratic powers?
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Use them to become a superhero, I guess?
(Not a magical girl; a science girl. For science -w-; )

WWYDI we collaborated on a crossover story?


likely get frustrated as often times collaboration gets in the way of progress. xD
either that or it'd be epic and we'd write the hell out of that story.

wwydi you woke up as a chocobo, being ridden by cloud?
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Demand he feed me delicious greens once we arrive at our destination. Wark!

WWYDI you were a Moogle, kupo?


live and work in Traverse Town while i find a way to at least become a Moogle-girl (as in catgirl, just with moogles).

wwydi suddenly it was 1926 and OSC was centred around a speakeasy instead of a website?
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