Forum Games: What would you do if...?

Started by Pitkin, December 27, 2005, 03:13:00 PM

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*materalizes in front of Shinra Manor outside Nibelhiem* "I'm gettin' me a MAN!!!!"

wwydi you could skadoo' (Blue's Clues) through TV shows, Anime, and Video Games?
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Enter the world of Pokémon Pokénam. I want to gain monaters from graduate school >:3

WWYDI you woke up to find GIR had moved in with you?


as interesting as that sounds, try to either find a way to reduce the crazy or keep him away from my stuff. i don't want anything to get destroyed. ;^;

wwydi you woke up to find that you had somehow turned into the turkey at thankgiving dinner?
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Scream in horror of the fact that I'm likely about to be eaten ;_;

WWYDI you wanted tea, but didn't want to get up from your seat?


struggle. or just piss and moan till i finally do it.

wwydi you scraped your knees out of drama?
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Quotestruggle. or just piss and moan till i finally do it.
>piss and moan
New page and all, and BOY did i read this wrong. XD

I would grab a beef jerky. And another. And then ANOTHER and eat them all at once. FOOD HEALS HP, I KNOW THIS BECAUSE I PLAY SKYRIM

WWYDI stuck inside a 5x5 foot wooden box?


(you saying something, perv? >>; )

pretend i was schrodinger's cat till i could get out.

wwydi someone put a horrible, nightmare fuel image in your head and you couldn't get it out? >>;;;;;;
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Watch some Adventure Time to wash my mind out with

WWYDI you had Spider-Man's powers?


swing to school, making sure to wear shorts if i'm sporting a skirt. >>;

wwydi a meteor fell on your lawn?
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Wonder if a bee from the future will come out of the meteor and tell me that I'm the chosen one; who will save the world from a cosmic horror

WWYDI you saw Ronald McDonald locked in battle against the Burger King?


catch it all on tape. :0

wwydi you lived in the red light district?
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One word: Giggidy -w-

WWYDI you were Quagmire?


get a sex change and plastic surgery till i was back to me. and fly a plane. -w-

wwydi you had the literal urge to sleep for 20 years?
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Find a way to do so while not aging; so I'll still look and feel the same when I awaken >:3

WWYDI you had to fight a Manbearpig?


recruit al gore.

wwydi a wild barbra strisand robot appeared?
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