Forum Games: What would you do if...?

Started by Pitkin, December 27, 2005, 03:13:00 PM

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I'd be ROFL thinking, how could americans be so stupid enough to elect that guy as president, voting him already makes you as stupid as a worm..
then i'd prepare for something like a WWIII since that guy only means trouble..

what would you do if you were a body guard and the vip your protecting will get show and the only way to save him is to recieve the bullet? will you risk your life and do your job?
My my, aren't you lovely~


Quote from: "zjhentohlauedy"I'd be ROFL thinking, how could americans be so stupid enough to elect that guy as president, voting him already makes you as stupid as a worm..
then i'd prepare for something like a WWIII since that guy only means trouble..

what would you do if you were a body guard and the vip your protecting will get show and the only way to save him is to recieve the bullet? will you risk your life and do your job?

Tackle him to the ground and hope that the bullet don't hit my clickn' arm.

What would you do if MC Hammer showed up out of nowhere and started singing All Your Base?


I would go and fix the ephemeral reality generator (again...) and then yell at Wakashima-kun for messing with it...

What would you do if you could only say yes and no, for the rest of your life?


Speak in UTF-8! :)

what would you do if you could choose how you could be reincarnated?

Kial Harry Potter ĉiam faras danĝerajn aferojn?

Pro lia vol\' de mort\'!


I'd like to become a neko.... definitely, preferably a cute one so i can be with someone like 3.1 sama... or some other cute girl :/

what would you do if you discovered your real father is a monkey..
My my, aren't you lovely~


Well that would be a mark against evolutionist theories. You see, if Monkey could penetrate our society undetected for at least sixty years, then monkeys should be the new dominate race... Unless... Everyone is a monkey <-<
*Look around suspiciously*

What would you do if got a nosebleed every time you saw a cute girl/guy?


Stick paper towels up my nose! Or get my nasal vessels cauterized!

Next Question:
What would you do if you could restart your life from the beginning?


Um... Not?
My life hasn't been all good, or even mostly, but it's not bad either. Starting over again wouldn't make anything better. ^.^

Given the choice of a future Open source release (One so far ahead in time, you'd have to wait years before the minimum hardware was invented) and QDOS, which would you use? Assume all other choices don't exist, and all temperatures and pressures are at STP. ;)


QDOS. It already works with most old computers, and it wouldn't be too hard finding one!

Next question:
If a race of superintelligent pandimensional beings were recreating the Earth, what would you change?


Absolutely nothing. The universe is so complex, changing one tiny detail would have repercussions I couldn't even imagine. Besides, Like pippa said: "God's in his heaven, all's right with the world." Things may seem bad, but everything will work out in the end ^-^

In your last few moments of life, what do you think you will think about?


Why I didn't buy a Vespa!

What would you do if you had $4000 and plane tickets to North Korea?


Sell the plane ticket and have $4000+

What would you do if you were just elected president of the united states?
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

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repeal the PATRIOT Act immedietly make sure the prisoners at Guantanamo get fair trials, remove other insane laws which have no place in a democracy.

What would you do if you found out penguins were more intelligent than humans?

Kial Harry Potter ĉiam faras danĝerajn aferojn?

Pro lia vol\' de mort\'!


I'd start walking the walk and talking the talk! penguin walk and talk!!
then i'd try to understand them and show them anime so that they may learn our human culture. then i'd do everything possible to not cause them any anger so that we would live as a specie.

what would you do if anime(everything related, manga, figs, models, internetsites.) became illegal in your country?
My my, aren't you lovely~


Go to an other country! I don't want to do illegal things or give up my hobby!

What would you do if anime and related things became illegal in the whole world?