Forum Games: What would you do if...?

Started by Pitkin, December 27, 2005, 03:13:00 PM

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Vent in my private logbook; where nobody will judge me >_>

WWYDI you woke up to find your back hurting worse than it did before you went to sleep?


deal with it. cause that happened 2 days ago.

wwydi you were a corner kid and liked it?
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Enjoy it -w-

WWYDI you had a giant robot?


I'd impress the ladies with it. Chick dig giant robots -w-

WWYDI you answered your own question for the sake of it?


realize that this thread got buried in the undertow and feel bad about it.

wwydi your skin was coming off?
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Become a lizard >:3

WWYDI if you where a lizard?


live my life, cause i already am one. -w-

(yes, i'm an undead pack of lizard 90's kids.)

wwydi you were out of options?
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I'd choose not to decide
If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice -w-

WWYDI you had cake?



wwydi you didn't know what to do with life?
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Take my chances; roll the bones and see what happens

WWYDI you wish you could bypass an entire month to get to something big you're waiting for?


find something that will take up all time to the point where i won't realize anything else is happening. and set an alarm for next month.

wwydi you were the subject of your own research paper?
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Wonder if people will be fascinated by my extra deep look into things about myself that are entirely untrue but are possible conclusions one could ready from over-analyzing details about my personality and past ^_^;

WWYDI if you woke up from a nap with a cat on your lap, taking a nap of it's own? :3


snuggle the kitty. <3333

wwydi you woke up to find the ghost of your dead cat sleeping on you?
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Ghost kitty~ <3

WWYDI you where from a family of ninjas?


be the next hokage. BELIEVE IT!

wwydi you WERE the next hokage?
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