Forum Games: What would you do if...?

Started by Pitkin, December 27, 2005, 03:13:00 PM

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laugh maniacally over my creation.

wwydi your processor was sorely lacking?
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Switch over to 2k-tan the Desktop >:3

WWYDI iTunes was wanting you to update to the new version?


ignore it.

wwydi you had an urge to make a pony video?
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Do eet~

WWYDI you followed through on your urge to mash-up footage from the final boss fight in FF7 with Nyan Cat?


sit back and enjoy. -w-

wwydi someone you knew had such little tact and courtesy that they ended up ruining one of your favourite foods......again?
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Punch them like we where fighting over the last bento >:3

WWYDI Bella's dog started posting on OSC?


*pets through internet*

wwydi you spontaneously had deep, philosophical moments (a la conspiracy keanu or sudden clarity clarence)?
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Change my middle name to "Philosoraptor" >:3

WWYDI your friend's middle name was "Philosoraptor"?


start an epic adventure/detective agency/movie franchise, just like Austin "Danger" Powers.

wwydi they never came out with another Austin Powers movie?
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Enjoy the original trilogy, as they still exist :3

WWYDI you had a go-kart, along with an iPod loaded with assorted music from the Mario Kart 64 soundtrack?


they see me rollin', they hatin'.....

wwydi there was something you suddenly resolved to buy?
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Save money and go for eet~

WWYDI you seem to have a talent for solving mysteries, when you actually care enough to look closely to piece it together?


use it to my advantage.

wwydi you found a secret stash of [insert item here] that you had forgotten about?
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Make use of it :3

WWYDI you wanted to go somewhere, but the person you planned on going with wasn't answering the phone?


begin finding other ways to pester them, but if they don't respond after like, half an hour, go without them. their loss. :\

wwydi someone yelled at you for doing just that?
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