Forum Games: What would you do if...?

Started by Pitkin, December 27, 2005, 03:13:00 PM

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wonder what the hell i was drinking/eating/breathing. and if not that, then just go along with it.

wwydi you were drinking mineral water seasoned with real minerals, such as lead and arsenic? :3
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Die, and then come back to life as a sentient zombie

WWYDI you wanted cookie, but kitchen is guarded by a cat who thinks he's a lion? :3


step over lion cat. xD

wwydi all the good shows were on the channels you didn't have? >:\
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Call a friend, see if they want to watch it at their place, and roll from there :3

WWYDI the box is too small?


find a bigger box.

wwydi you noticed something uber-awkward in your room?
click to make it bigger


Hide it before mom notices, to save myself from an awkward moment ^_^;;

WWYDI the weather was nice?


open a window. ^^

wwydi hours of internet searching yielded exactly what you were looking for?
click to make it bigger


Feel good that I found it :3

WWYDI you where asked to house-sit for a relative, while they're away?


PAR---check on it once a day

wwydi someone was being a sour blanket?
click to make it bigger


Put them in the washing machine >:3

WWYDI your robot friend looked like a solar-powered washing machine?


click to make it bigger


LOL at the dryer and washing machine getting it on

WWYDI the bird was not the word?


enjoy the silence. >>;;

wwydi you saw something awesome that was just out of your grasp?
click to make it bigger


Use a claw to bridge the gap >:3

WWYDI you would rather stay with Ed FOREVER~?


DO EET. >:0

wwydi you wanted to do the voice but didn't want to have the constant voiceover?
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