Forum Games: What would you do if...?

Started by Pitkin, December 27, 2005, 03:13:00 PM

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Be sad, use it until it was obsolete, then maintain it for it's memories. ^^'

What would you do if M$ tried to sue the futaba channel for copyright infringement?


I'd laugh about the impending war

What would you do were driving down a street with pedestrians all around to see, yet you saw Jack Thompson in the middle of the road.


Um... Drive around him?
Call me ignorant, but I don't really know who that is, and so I don't really want to hit him. Isn't he the guy you said tries to suck the life out of games?

If you could own any mega-corp, which would it be, and why?


Quote from: "Tsubashi"Um... Drive around him?
Call me ignorant, but I don't really know who that is, and so I don't really want to hit him. Isn't he the guy you said tries to suck the life out of games?

If you could own any mega-corp, which would it be, and why?

I'd have to say... Microsoft, so I could form an aliance with Mac and take over the world.

If OS tans started taking over the world and stated they only wanted to take humans out of power because of our previos screwups what would you do?


I would assume my place at 3.1samas side and protect her against any and all who dare oppose her.

What would you do if you were caught in an outbreak of zombies with a chain saw with half a tank of gast, a 357 colt python with 6 rounds and a cant of whipped cream?
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I'd use the gas to fly to wherever you are, give you the gun ant the chainsaw (because I have no idea how to use them, and you do) and beg for protection. Hopefully your not already one of them! Oh, and I'd put the whipped on top of a nice fresh peach cobbler I just made, and give it to you as an incentive to help. ^-^

Suddenly, you have all the powers of a Constructive Deistic God. What do you do first?


Quote from: "Tsubashi"I'd use the gas to fly to wherever you are, give you the gun ant the chainsaw (because I have no idea how to use them, and you do) and beg for protection. Hopefully your not already one of them! Oh, and I'd put the whipped on top of a nice fresh peach cobbler I just made, and give it to you as an incentive to help. ^-^

Suddenly, you have all the powers of a Constructive Deistic God. What do you do first?

First things first, fly to Japan.

What would you do if you saw some random person fly into your yard and ask which way Japan is?


Well, I almost always have my PDA on me, so I'd pull up an interactive map and plot a plausible route to Japan. Then while I conversed with them about it, I'd bluetooth my printer so they would have a copy to use in flight. Next, I would somehow find a clone of myself and send him to all my classes while I flew with them to japan! ^^;

Suppose your countries government outlaws the internet, what do you do?


Emigrate ASAFP!

What would you do if your favorite author asks you for inspiration?

Kial Harry Potter ĉiam faras danĝerajn aferojn?

Pro lia vol\' de mort\'!


First, faint. ^^;
Then, after recovering, I would load my two laptops and extra batteries into my car. Then, she and I would drive out into the forest and hike to a secluded waterfall (a Beautiful place, btw). Then we'd unpack the laptops, setup a wifi connection and face off on many a multiplayer game! (Starcraft, Galactic Battlegrounds, Chess) ^.^

What would you do if M$ somehow proved that Open-source things were "Unethical," thus making it illegal? (Don't ask how, because I don't know ^^')


GG Ã,§16, paragraph 4 allows  us to get rind of enemiers of democracy and outlawing OpenSource is against the Grundgesetz. Oh yeah, they will think the RAF was cute and lovely!

What would you do if you discovered that scientists lied to you and in reality the earth is flat?

Kial Harry Potter ĉiam faras danĝerajn aferojn?

Pro lia vol\' de mort\'!


Make fun of everyone who ever said that they never keep any secrets from the public.

What would you do if they came out with the game River Dance Revolution and it became the new craze sweeping the nation?


sit in front of my PC, attempt to draw new OS-tans and laugh at those who get hooked on it :)

What would you do if the HURD was released in version 1.0 and it wasvastly better than any OS you used so far?

Kial Harry Potter ĉiam faras danĝerajn aferojn?

Pro lia vol\' de mort\'!


Wish I wasn't too cheap to buy any new OS.

What would you do if you woke up one morning and your skin was purple?


The HURD is openSource software... so costs are those of dowloading it and burning it to a CD.

First, be glad that I'm not a bug like in the Kafka-story. then... check what I ate drank and smoked in the last evening/night then see a doctor, I guess.

What would you do if this guy: would become American president?

Kial Harry Potter ĉiam faras danĝerajn aferojn?

Pro lia vol\' de mort\'!