Forum Games: What would you do if...?

Started by Pitkin, December 27, 2005, 03:13:00 PM

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attempt to take over the world.

wwydi you were chewing some gum with a liquid centre, and it turns out that centre was made of blood?
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Rush down to ER to have them make sure I wasn't exposed to rabies or something >_<

WWYDI you where the Walrus?
Goo-goo g'joob


do walrus things.

wwydi you were the paperboy/girl from paperboy 64?
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I'd be on the move, because everything is out to stop me from delivering papers

WWYDI somebody told you to read?


i might read, depending on what it was and whether or not it was interesting.

wwydi you witnessed a DOUBLE READING RAINBOW?
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I'd fly twice four times as high >:3

WWYDI you had the power to barrel roll?


see if i could barrel roll my way to school. xD

wwydi you could walk through walls?
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Use this to my advantage somehow

WWYDI nobody noticed an awesome post you made in another topic?


wait....and subtly drop hints to people.

wwydi you needed something but had no means to get it? :\
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Try to find a way to get it

WWYDI you had a box full of old issues of Nintendo Power?



wwydi the task in front of you was mounting?
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Tackle it >:3

WWYDI someone offered to pay you an insane sum of money to wear a hideous, uncomfortable dress for an entire day?


do it, if it's big enough.

wwydi someone gave you the gift of a polyester shirt?
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Wear it, as one of my tops for trap mode is 90% polyester :3

WWYDI you had superhuman abilities...but only in certain weather?


take advantage of this fact when the weather was right.

wwydi you had the ability to go into berserker mode?
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