Forum Games: What would you do if...?

Started by Pitkin, December 27, 2005, 03:13:00 PM

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I'd hunt down whoever took it and reclaim it >:3
That, or go make a bowl of cereal

WWYDI you had a Wii?


use it to go online. >w< (go opera, go!)

wwydi you were missing a key item of clothing?
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Try to cover myself up, so nobody sees anything

WWYDI you woke up on the floor with a cat sitting on top of you?
(Kitty demands chicken :3)


*pets* :3

wwydi you thought you had something, but couldn't find it?
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Think to myself "I'll find it eventually if I still have it :3"

WWYDI you had the power to rewind time up to a maximum of 5 minutes ago?


wonder if i was playing Changeling. (one of the powers in that game lets you do that at its top level.)

wwydi we WERE playing changeling?? >:3
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I'd likely partake in whatever quest we have setup for the campaign

WWYDI you where a chick magnet, in the sense of baby chickens being attracted to you?


CHICKY <33333 (though in reality baby chicks tend to be afraid of humans ^^; )

wwydi, upon getting out of bed, you fell in a pool?
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Quickly try to get out of the water, as I don't have my goggles on yet >_<

WWYDI you want tea?


decide what kind and then make it. :3

wwydi you've been procrastinating on planning something important?
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Procrastination is my virtue. Continue doing so >:3

WWYDI you realized your epic adventure plans require you to wake up at an absurd time of morning?


soldier on, since waking up at absurd hours is nothing new. ><;;

wwydi i almost confused the threads again?
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I'd laugh, but then realize I'd likely do the same thing

It's currently 70F outside...wait; wrong thread

WWYDI you had the power to levitate?



wwydi you were meg?
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