Forum Games: What would you do if...?

Started by Pitkin, December 27, 2005, 03:13:00 PM

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pizza. tacos are too messy and spicy.

WWYDI the previous poster confused you to the point where you almost screwed up?
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I'd laugh at my mistake and carry on

WWYDI you developed various superpowers every time you heard a song you hate, which go away as soon as you stop listening?


save enough money to get a second ipod, and fill it with songs i absolutely despise.

WWYDI you had a set of cosplay equipment that turned you into a superpowered OS-tan? (98 hairclip = turning into 98 with super speed and jumping ability)
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1: Equip a maid costume exactly like what ME-tan wears
2: Transform into ME-tan, with the ability to shoot ice out of my hands
3: ???
4: Be cooler than Mr. Freeze. Also, profit!

WWYDI given the order to move Zig for great justice?
All your base are belong to Zero Wing


stand my ground.

WWYDI you woke to your town being attacked by pirates?
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Call in the ninjas to defend my precious booty

WWYDI you had an army of ninjas on speed dial?


use them when nessacary, or when i'm bored.

WWYDI you just realized that you had staples brand networking equipment?
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If it's working fine, disregard it

WWYDI you had an urge to leave a note on your boss' desk telling him to go to a shock site, like Lemon Party?


do my best to avoid the urge, and if i couldn't, get someone else to write it (like a hobo or something).

WWYDI you had a strong urge to eat cereal, even though you were kinda sick?
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Have a small bowl of it, unless I felt like I couldn't keep anything down

WWYDI the only way to help a friend is to do something that will have a negative effect on you, along the lines of uncontrollable drooling?
It's a Warehouse 13 reference


if it was a good enough friend, do it. otherwise, avoid the drool-monkey look.

WWYDI you were forced to get novacaine in the mouth?
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I'd try to turn the tables on the person trying to administer the drug, before making a dramatic escape...but likely I'd end up tied down and crying at the sight of the dentist breaking out the power tools to realign my teeth

WWYDI the only clean clothes you had to wear one day was the silliest looking thing in your wardrobe?


wear something less than clean. i usually do anyway, lol. xD

WWYDI your computer was covered in instances of flele, all singing a different song?
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Not sure, because I don't know what a "flele" is

WWYDI if Peach invited you over for cake, only to discover when you arrive that, in usual Mario fashion, she's been captured by Bowser; meaning the cake is a lie?


fight to get back my cake woman.

WWYDI your cat insisted riding in the car like a dog?

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