Forum Games: What would you do if...?

Started by Pitkin, December 27, 2005, 03:13:00 PM

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kill the guy. WITH SCIENCE!!

WWYDI you were trapped in a never-ending Family Reunion?
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If Asagi is by my side, find a nice spot to curl up and go online in an effort keep my sanity. Otherwise...

WWYDI you saw something really unpleasant involving one of your favorite characters?


Gouge out eyes.

WWYDI you ran out of options and things were looking grim?
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I'd keep holding on, because things are bound to get better
After all, that's what my 2nd part-time job felt like to me. Speaking of, that gives me an idea for a question...

WWYDI you where stuck working a job with an overbearing boss who expects you to never make even the smallest mistake and to do an 8 hour job in just 4, coworkers who seem to be on a mission to make you feel miserable because you like things that they hate, and the radio is set to a station that plays nothing but songs you absolutely hate?


sounds like a good chunk of my everyday life. so, in that respect, survive.

WWYDI the sky was as dark as night (at 4 pm)?
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I'd hide inside in case it's either (A) a severe thunderstorm or (B) an alien invasion, with their mothership blocking the sun

WWYDI you found yourself in jail without any memory of what got you in there, and with one of your best friends, who's in the same cell as you, saying "Damn that was fun!"


"Oh hell yes it was! Now what do we do? >:3"

(i have found myself in similar situations before. >>; )

WWYDI you made the tea too strong?
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Dilute it with a little water; making sure not to dilute it too much, lest the flavor gets lost

WWYDI you woke up one day to find your hands where super-glued together?

I've only had one experience close to what my previous question was; it involved a friend of mine at the time, who looks like he could have been my long-lost twin brother


consult my dad. he'd know what to do.

WWYDI you fell victim to the summer camp prank of the plastic wrapped toilet?
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Find whoever did it and get back at them with a prank of my own

WWYDI somebody called you in the middle of the night to ask if your refrigerator is running?


Why are my friends drunk dialing me again?

WWYDI you lost your cell phone in a pile of stuff in your room?
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Cue the adventure music; I'm going in!

WWYDI this week's episode of Doctor Who was postponed for tennis?


oo, softenni! still miss the doctor, though. :\

WWYDI just when you thought you had moved on, someone steps back into your life?
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I wouldn't know what to do, because I've never had an experience like that

WWYDI you felt like you'll never find somebody to love?


cuddle my plushie.

WWYDI you had too many things plugged in?
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