Forum Games: What would you do if...?

Started by Pitkin, December 27, 2005, 03:13:00 PM

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YAY, NEW WEBCOMIC! (wait i'm not that ugly)

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Remember what it says on the back of the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy; Don't Panic

WWYDI Lex Luthor took 40 cakes?


Call in Lux(-anna Crownguard) and Master SparkDEMACIAAAAAAAAAAA him to all hell.

WWYDI I like trains.


I'd post a link to
this really stupid YouTube video

WWYDI you saw the Humping Robot from Robot Chicken humping a jukebox while Jukebox Hero played in the background?


look around for the other robot chicken regulars.

WWYDI everywhere you went, air conditioning followed?
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I'd likely start walking to work; I'd get exercise while staying cool!

WWYDI you knew how to do the Hare Hare Yukai?


Buy a school uniform, perform it at convention/streetcorners for spare change. :3
(possibly post to youtube.)

WWYDI you were 2 people short for the Hare Hare Yukai?
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I'd bribe some friends into joining me; even if they have to travel across the country to meet up with me

WWYDI you discovered that everything you've known for the past several years was just a dream, and that you've really been in a coma since '98?


start trying to make my dream reality.

WWYDI there was so much going on that it kept you from your favourite show?
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It'd be like trying to watch the final season of Code Lyoko all over again; since they had the bright idea to move it to a night that was usually busy for me back then.

WWYDI you had your own humongous mecha, but you where forced to watch a TV show or movie you absolutely hate in it's entirety in order to get it to start up?



muddle through; the appeal of having Big Sol to play with is worth it ><;

WWYDI no matter how much you washed them, your clothes didn't get clean?
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I'd go buy some new clothes, since I don't figure I could get away with becoming a nudist

WWYDI there was a show you absolutely loved, but the network cancelled it with only a handful of episodes left to make room for something stupid?

(The 4th and final season of Code Lyoko aired back in '07...but Cartoon Network dropped it with 7 episodes left until it was finished. I've heard the show is now available on iTunes, although I haven't looked to see if they have all 4 seasons or not)


(i'll have to look it up; it's on the internet somewhere)

RAGE. then look on the internet.

WWYDI everyone around you got into a fight and tried to drag you into it?
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I'd attempt to stop the fight...and likely get the crap beaten out of me in the process

WWYDI you saw a fat guy with a full beard cosplaying as Sailor Moon in person while at a convention?
Sailor Bubba cannot be unseen...


Hug him, as Sailor Bubba is cool. ^^

(omg, you met sailor bubba? you lucky bastard! i knew someone who knew him! tell him gabe says hi, ok? i'm not in contact with the friend anymore but it'll be nice for him to hear that. :3)

WWYDI you were supposed to do something but kept putting it off.....and putting it off.....and putting it off......
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