Forum Games: What would you do if...?

Started by Pitkin, December 27, 2005, 03:13:00 PM

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WWYDI you waiter gave you soup with a hairball in it?
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I'd file a complaint with the health inspector

WWYDI you had a jacket big enough you could use it like a small tent?


use it as a utility jacket in case of emergencies.

WWYDI you were trapped in a basement with no way out?
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I'd write a spoof of Trapped in the Closet about being trapped in the basement; creatively titled Trapped in the Basement

WWYDI you where trapped in the closet and forced to listen to all 9,001 parts of R. Kelly's Trapped in the Closet while in there?


start kidnapping schoolgirls and giving them golden showers. that, or go deaf.

WWYDI michael jackson rose from the grave as a thriller?
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I'd defeat him and his legion of the undead by rounding up some friends and doing the only dance strong enough to counter Thriller; Hare Hare Yukai!

WWYDI you woke up to find you've turned into a plushie version of yourself?


cry from joy, as now i can join my plushies. ;v;

WWYDI all your income came from recycling and coupons?
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It'd be like '05 all over again
(That's actually how I got my first Gamecube; saving up all year to get a used one for $75...only for the price to plummet to $40 a month later)

WWYDI all you had to eat was dry cat food?


break out the milk and pretend it's cereal.

WWYDI you couldn't come up with a question?
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I'd scour the internet for some strange thing to ask

WWYDI you discovered that somebody seriously went to Google to ask "WTF does 'WTF' mean?"


laugh at the fact that that's google canada.

WWYDI people kept posting right after you, leaving you with no break time?
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I'd go missing for a little while

WWYDI you had a TARDIS...but it was dead and needed power from a type of crystal not found on Earth?


steal someone else's, go find the thing and then get a stockpile so i don't run out

WWYDI your body wanted to sleep, but your mind didn't?
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I'd grab a notepad and begin writing down everything that's running through my head; so maybe my mind can relax and I can go to sleep

WWYDI the cut scene to Sephiroth's "Supernova" summon was replaced with a loop of Nyan Cat of equal length?


wonder who the fuck messed with my copy of the game. >:\

WWYDI you saw a culture that completely went against your morals and values?
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