Forum Games: What would you do if...?

Started by Pitkin, December 27, 2005, 03:13:00 PM

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Nothing different, really; most of my topics on other sites are lucky to make it to 2 pages

WWYDI you where stuck with a 14.4K dial-up connection?


complain to my isp until they changed it.

worked for me.

WWYDI: i was your neighbor


Hide my kids and hide my wife.

WWYDI everyone thought you were a criminal (for no reason)?
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Day in my life.

WWYDI: your wacom combusted.


I'd wonder "Since when did I have a Wacom, and why is it on fire?"

WWYDI you invented combustible lemons?


play portal 2.

WWYDI: there was a MMOfps like l4d


I'd likely try to recruit some of you to come join me

WWYDI I caused a paradox by having Mario and Mario brofist?


wait for the world to implode.

WWYDI you learned to drive from GTA?
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I'd start a topic on GameFAQs asking how to honk my horn; which would then quickly derail into a topic about trains for no reason at all

WWYDI the only way you could walk was by doing the Monty Python Silly Walk?


Travel the World. -w-

WWYDI everything you said came out in a nasally, bratty, 9-year old tone?
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I'd likely start carrying my laptop with me everywhere; using a text-to-speech software to communicate more properly

WWYDI you had a 3rd arm?


carry moar stuff. -w-

WWYDI something forced you to hide your kids and hide your wife?
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I'd go hunt down the source of whatever I had to hide my wife and kids from and kick it's ass

WWYDI there was a Weeping Angel right in front of you, but a loose eyelash got in your eye and is giving you the urge to blink?


stab self in neck.

WWYDI you were constantly caked in dirt?
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I'd figure out how to manipulate the dirt to become like the Sandman...and get my ass handed to me by Spider-Man

WWYDI you had your own Federation starship with a full crew?