Forum Games: What would you do if...?

Started by Pitkin, December 27, 2005, 03:13:00 PM

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;^; then borrow my sister's computer to learn a list of DOS commands.

WWYDI something in this thread actually came true?
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I'd probably wonder why
a giant hedgehog keeps peeking over tall buildings and calling my name while I'm wearing a maid costume

WWYDI your cat stole your bag of candy and began holding it ransom for a bag of catnip?


simple trade. i can't use catnip, and cats can't use chocolate.

WWYDI all you had to eat was lobster bisque pouch cat food?
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I'd eat it. It's likely a step up from dry cat food, which I did eat once when I was little just to see what it tasted like
I still remember what it was like; it was crunchy and fishy...

WWYDI all your food, even the candy, had wasabi in it?


gradually get used to the taste and drink lots of water.

WWYDI  you woke up with someone else's face?
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If the face looks good and doesn't have the scars from acne that mine does, I'd likely get used to it very quickly...although I'd have to get a new driver's license

WWYDI if you had a cruel older sister who loved to force you to wear embarrassing costumes?
For the record, my sister used to enjoy doing this to me when I was little


Turn out the way i did. (my sister liked to experiment on me, i.e. poking, prodding, etc)

WWYDI a commercial started playing one of your favourite songs? >w<
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I'd get annoyed because they'd only use a small sample of the song; which is like a shot of orange juice (Just enough to annoy you)

WWYP: Corn or Korn?

My sister liked to experiment on me too when I was younger; usually cornering me and, like Haruhi does to Mikuru, forcing me into a costume. Sometimes the costume came from my closet (The one I remember the most was a patriotic costume my mom made for a parade I was in; which I always though looked stupid), and sometimes it was something from her closet (Usually, it was one of the ugliest dresses our grandma gave her)


Korn. it agrees with me more.

WWYP: breathing scotch onto a judge or setting the law back 200 years?
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Breathing scotch onto a judge. Breaking the law, breaking the law...

WWYP: Chocolate Disco or Chocolate Rain?


DAMMIT MAN, YOU GOT IT CONFUSED AGAIN. (that said, i like both, but chocolate disco.)

WHAT WOULD YOU DO IF you woke up in a video game? (a semi-low-res 90's one?)
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Well, both topic titles appear the same when I have multiple tabs open...perhaps I should lighten on the number of tabs open at the same time. It also didn't help that I had to step away from the keyboard to get supper going; interrupting my train of though

I'd likely try to find the Chaos Emeralds and become Super Sonic

WWYDI if I ended up posting something intended for a topic on another site into a topic on here during one of my crazy nights with 10+ tabs open?


chastize you for keeping multiple copies of OSC open. (sheesh man, i got like, 40 tabs open, but i only keep 1 copy of OSC open. ><; )

WWYDI it got so humid where you were that condensation started forming on glasses, windows, screens, etc?
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I'd likely "borrow" my mom's car and take a epic journey to Alaska; anything is better than it being humid

WWIDY if I got some of the letters in the initials backwards?


(it's ALWAYS humid here in the summer. ><; damn texans with your dry heat.....
still, at least we don't have many tornados :3)

be very confused. :\

WWYDI you saw someone robbing a change jar for cancer kids?
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