Forum Games: What would you do if...?

Started by Pitkin, December 27, 2005, 03:13:00 PM

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i'll try and get someone to collect and sew me back together, if i can't then id just hang around where i exploded until someone steps on me and drags me to another place couldn't do much anyway... ;063

what would you do if your best friend was kidnapped and the only way to save him/her was to never use any tpe of electronics ever again..
My my, aren't you lovely~


That would not be nice! I'd definitely rescue my friend, but I'd always wish...

What would you do if your best friend told you they had committed some horrible crime, and asked you not to tell?


I won't tell anyone about that. But I may suggest my friend to surrender himself to the cops. Because you've already done it. And you can't try to flee forever. Someday the cops may arrest you anyway. And if you cooperate in the courthouse, they may deduce your punishment. And the last one if you were put in jail. Be a good prisoner and you may be released sooner.

What would you do if you were locked in the dark room for 7 day, without food, water, electricity. And they give you a kitten as your friend?


Hmm... seeing as people can only live for, what, three or four days without water, I'd die! Meanwhile, though I'd have a very cute kitten to play with!

QuoteWhat would you do if your best friend told you they had committed some horrible crime, and asked you not to tell?

Okay, so suppose you promised never to tell about your friend, but then someone else you knew was about to be convicted of the crime your first friend did. Would you break your promise?


i would! i won't let anyone take punishment for something he or she did not do. i'd give my first friend an option either he talks or i will for the sake of my other friend.

what would you do if you found out that your best friend was about to commit suicide because he loves your girlfriend but doesn't want to take her from away you?
My my, aren't you lovely~


I'd thank him for being such a considerate friend, and encourage him to be more bold and outgoing. I stress his importance in my life and attempt to alleviate his suffering.

What would you do if you could save five people's lives by killing someone (not yourself)?


Honestly depends on the situation.  Id have killed to save any one of my buddies if it was an insergent attacking them, let alone 5.  Hell id keep killing them in that situation, 10, 20.. as many as it took to protect my men, but thats not the situation you had in mind was it?

If you were in love with your best friends girlfriend what would you do?  (serios like romeo and juliet love, not a crush)
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

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In love, that doesnt mean anything bad happened yet, right? So being in love with someone doeant mean you have to BE WITH them. Knowing they're happy with their lives comfort me more than being with them only.

If you're on the road/streets and you see your ex-girlfriend who was a btich to you, what would you do?


On the off-chance that she'd changed, I'd give her the benefit of the doubt and say Hi. Maybe I'd stopped doing whatever she was mad at me for.

What would you do if you borrowed a weapon for a friend who later went insane. Now they're asking for the weapon. Do you give it to them, knowing full well that they're insane?


Give him the weapon, because if I don't give him, he could become angry and attack me in an insane rage.

What would you do if you go by accident to 2507 in a time warp?


I suppose I'd try to find a way back, or just adjust to the new environment. There'd be plenty of new things to learn, for sure!

If you could have any superpower, what would it be?


invisibility!! that'd be awesome, free groping woohoo! lol

or sneaking into bush's bedroom and haunying him...oh man the look on his face would be priceless XD

You are held at gun point and the guy threatens to kill you if you don't do something very creative with your own poop. What creative thing would you do with the poop?


Id take his gun from him. Its easy when you know how, then id make him do something interesting with HIS poop!

What would you do if you were the guy i just disarmed and made you do something with your poop?  BTW, I stood back far enough that you cant re disarm me, cus im a great shot from far away and keeps me safe.
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

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i'd piss my pants? as well as do something with my poop. maybe paint a picture with it? :/  

What would you do if your poo started talking to you?
My my, aren't you lovely~


I donno.. Id think Id have a conversation with it. Who knows how poop feels about sex drugs and polotics?

What would you do if your girlfriend or significant other told you they used to be a man?
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

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