Forum Games: What would you do if...?

Started by Pitkin, December 27, 2005, 03:13:00 PM

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I'd probably attempt to somehow win her over

WWYDI, as your boss at work is chewing you out for doing your job instead of what he thinks your job is, someone just happened to burst into the room and punch him in the face?


add in commentary: FALCOOOOOON PUUUUUUNCH!!!

WWYDI: you're walking down a hallway. you take a left, then a right...then a left, then-another-left,thenaright,BRICK WALL!!!!
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I'd probably think I should have taken that left turn at Albuquerque...

WWYDI you saw a big red button in the middle of an otherwise plain, empty room, with a light shining over it; as if it beckoned for you to push it to see what it does?



WWYDI you suddenly inherited something large and pointy?
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I'd probably use it to point at things, or stab it into the ground and have an epic lawn decoration

WWYDI you accidentally posted something intended for one topic into a completely unrelated one?


go back to the topic, and hit modify.

WWYDI you were attacked by a very cheesy swamp monster?
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I'd defeat it by riffing on it MST3K style

WWYDI you where sent on a mission to rescue Peach from Bowser for the 5th time in one month?


refuse. if she's getting kidnapped this often she either a. needs to update her security so badly that this will be a lesson to her, or b. wants to be kidnapped.

WWYDI you found out that santa was asian?
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I would use that as proof of my theory that Santa is really a ninja; which is how he's able to move so quickly and get presents to all the children of the world in a single night

WWYDI there was a crossover between Doctor Who and Star Trek: The Next Generation?


dvr. then find a way to burn it to disc.

WWYDI you woke up in 1985?
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I'd be first in line to buy Windows 1.01; after that, not sure what I'd do...I'd go to my parents' wedding, but that would not only be a bit weird, but I'd likely be thrown out for making fun of the hideous dress my aunt wore

WWYDI your TV, along with your game consoles, where blocked off because of your mom sorting through some dolls in that room?


start yelling at her to get out of my room cause i'll clean it myself.

WWYDI 2/3 of your rice bowls went missing (including the cute pikachu one ;^; )?
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I'd improvise; after all, I have access to some small coffee cups that would work well as rice bowls

WWYDI you started seeing pink elephants on parade in your room?

(You have a Pikachu rice bowl? Pics?)


throw out the rice and sweet potatoes. they've obviously gone bad.
then go to bed.

WWYDI everything you touched turned to grape soda?

(when i find it, sure.)
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