Forum Games: What would you do if...?

Started by Pitkin, December 27, 2005, 03:13:00 PM

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Probably gain a horrible reputation for being the worst would-be necrophiliac in the history of the world. Hells, that makes no sense at all.

WWYDI your computer gained sentience - yet without power, essentially a slave at your hands - and it hated you?


Try to coax it into liking me. :[ I've tried to treat her well.

wwydi you woke up in the middle of a VERY important operation, suddenly feeling everything going on?
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Meditate. I'm good at that. Besides, I can control my neural transmission to some degree when doing that, so yeah, I'd numb them manually if it got too bad.

WWYDI the trees rose out of the ground (mostly, anyway) and started moving toward the cities? RULE: No method of communication seems to work at all.


I'd break out the flamethrower and shout at the trees "Run forest, run!"

What would you do if car could talk, like KITT?


if it was the car i want, drive it forever, because nothing is more badass than a talking 1946 Pontiac Sedan. -w-

wwydi you had Synesthesia, and anytime someone talked you smelled hot dogs?
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I'd probably be eating hot dots a lot to help keep my sanity, or else I'd dawn a pair of swirly goggles and become some alternate version of Dr. Insano.

What would you do if learned that someone has gone back in time on a mission to keep your parents from getting together, effectively wiping you from existence...but you managed to follow them back in time and have exactly 24 hours to stop them?


I'd have to do a lot of contemplating, since i'm unsure if i'd want to stop them.

if i said "i want to exist", i'd find them and roundhouse kick their face, thus inspiring chuck norris to make that his trademark move.

wwydi anytime someone someone said a play on words in your presence, it actually happened to you and/or them? (example: cat got your tongue? = cat jumping up and ripping out the subject's tongue.)
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I'd probably find some way to break the curse

What would you do if you obtained a magic gun like what Linkara has?


Start shooting. idk if it's for good or evil.

WWYDI technology followed you like the pied piper?
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Oh, come on, that'd just be unfair to the tech. Attraction AND destruction auras? COME ON. Give the poor fellers a chance!

WWYDI you were 50 years old, unmarried, had no children, worked night shifts in a shop and just couldn't take it anymore?


I'd grab a gun and shoot myself in the head in hopes that either (A) I die, or (B) it summons my Persona.

What would you do if you woke up one day and found that you had turned into a Pokémon?


I'd frolic freely in the nature until I was caught into a ball by a kid whose motto is "gotta catch them all". :/ Joyous life ahead... ;_;

What'd you do if you were given a one-way ticket to any country in the world (and you were urged to take it), without chance of returning later?


wonder, "Is it World War Three already?" then gather everyone up and flee to Switzerland (with a possible stop in Amsterdam along the way).

wwydi everywhere you went a chibi rain cloud followed over your head?
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I'd make use of a chibi umbrella hat to keep from getting wet

What would you do if you where locked inside a house with a large group of whiny children?


let them fend for themselves.

wwydi you stumbled on a locked apartment radiating the smell of rotting flesh?
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