Forum Games: What would you do if...?

Started by Pitkin, December 27, 2005, 03:13:00 PM

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HM... maybe reset button? (You just say I can't use the power button, but you didn't mention the reset button! :p )

What would you do if your computer crashed (physically) and your important documents, which are are irreplecable, were on this?


Meh, I back everything up weekly, so my documents are not too much of a problem. The real problem is, Where am I going to get the money to replace that!?!

What would you so if you were had access to every government's computers at all times?


make a fair ammount of money selling info to the media ;)

what would you do if you found batman right next to you when you get into bed to sleep.


I asked him to go back to Gotham City :D

What would you do if your town were attacked by some giant monster?


I would hop into my power armour and fly up to meet it in battle. Preferably with suitable battle music.

What would you do if a small whale stopped by for tea?


I'll give it some tea and maybe bring it to a pool where i'll ride it and pretend to be the king of the sea.  :/

What would you do if your pc makes an "ecchi is bad!" error just like mahoro whenever you try to get some pron?
My my, aren't you lovely~


Er... getting another PC?

What would you do if you couldn't speak at all from now?



(hand signal)

What would you do if the person name Bill Gate doesn't exist?


Prolly sit around bitching about Paul Allen and all his millions.  Bill gates was on the daily show last night BTW...

What would oyu do if you woke up tommarow and you were a differnt sex?
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

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Megaman Z

go insane for a good hour then wonder if this is a dream... and then become insane for the rest of my life (which probably wouldn't be long)

what would you do if Konami actually decided to put ΔMAX on DDRSN arcade with their 200-300 song patch (the one coming this summer)?

(ΔMAX is the EX stage in DDR Forever, BTW. I doubt anyone here heard of it)


I would continue my life as it currently is.. cus since im not sure what that is.. i cant say it would effect me any.

What would you do if someone close to you could cure cancer but it would mean thier death.. they turned it down but you were given power of atterny over them and had to make the decision?
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

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That's a tough one...well I'm pretty sure I'd pick the cure, it'd save a lot more lives and that's probably what the one close to me would want too.

What would you do if your uncle recognized a random person in the street  as his sworn enemy, calls him a dolphin molester and starts ravaging the local supermarket locked in ceremonial Klingon battle while you were just about to pay for your watermelon flavored chewing gum?


Finaly someone gets creative!  Tough was the point to mine.  If the awnser is obvios, then the game is no fun.

Id ask the store keeper to add a Batleth to my purchase and join in, to honor my family and such.  Oh and id pop in a peice of that chewing gum.

What would you do if you ended up with one of the rozen maiden dolls for real?  Would you make a contract, sell it for money to the media?  Swear of drinking for the rest of your life?
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

Commisions Available - Send PM for details.


I'll try to get rid of it (sounds strange from the mouth of a GDA member, but wait - I don't want all the fuss which come with the contract, it could ruin my life...)

What would you do if you get time manipulation powers?


First, I'll travel to my past and change anything wrong that I've ever done.
Second, give it to the one who need.

What would you do if you get a free Windows Vista?