Forum Games: What would you do if...?

Started by Pitkin, December 27, 2005, 03:13:00 PM

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I'd wish to break my right foot. No need to feel bad for causing trouble for others, plus it'd give me an excuse to slack off for a few weeks. Broke it once in September '04 already, though. ^^;

What'd you do if you were the leading collector of OS-tan (the most popular anime show by now) collectibles, but couldn't find the Apple Mac glow-in-the-dark socks anywhere? :D


Pitkin don't think such thinking ... i no u hate mac but even i know there will be glow in the dark sock (GITDS) ... don't scare ppl like tht pitkin ... i don't like this dark side of ur Pitkin ... i need some tea ... and well if they didn't i will have to send a letter, my letter will make them make GITDS.

wht if there was a law saying the u couldn't be british, Pitkin?

i know tht hurt u, c i have an evil side too lol .. no more tea, no more funny clothes and no more footballer team ... and other great british stuff

Q4(V) added the following  6 minutes after last message :

Pitkin British car ... this is wht u get when ur british Pitkin

when u have the money of course


There can't be such law! Ever!! *hits both of his fists against the table numerous times*

Ahem, wouldn't move me. I'd apply for the Botswanan nationality.

What'd you do if everything you touched with your hands gave you an electric shock?


i would keep on touchin everything, even ppl lol...

if ur were to play a bad guy or girl in an anime/manga, who would u play?


uuuhhhh... I'd be...errr...difficult decision...I think I'd choose to be...Leonard Tesstarossa, from FMP, even thought I'm not completely sure if he's completely bad. On the other side, I think a Suigintou is fine too (but she's woman, so its discarded from this question)

If you had to fight against...errr...let me think...a swordsman...NO! I know!! against 95-tan, what weapon would you choose? (not fire arms or any other modern arms...that include computer viruses Ã,¬Ã,¬)
Leaving aside the fact that you'd need some really good skills to be victorious...


Gimme a Keyblade anyday, foo!

What would you do if you were forced to fight against Chuck Norris and Mr. T with no possible escape?


I'd call Godzila...and Batman, Shaquille O'Neal, Aaron Carter, Abraham Lincoln, Optimus Prime, Jackie Chan, Indiana Jones, The care Bears, Neville Flynn (Samuel L. Jackson), Mario, Sonic, Santa Claus, The De Lorean from "Back to the Future", Goku, tobias, lowtax, R2-D2, C3PO, al the Jawas in tatooine, Gandalf the Grey, Gandalf the White, Monty Python and the Holy Grail's Black Knight, Benito Mussolinni, The Blue Meanie, Cowboy Curtis, Jambi the Genie, RoboCop, Terminator, Captain Kirk, Darth Vader, Lo Pan, Superman, every single Power Ranger (from the whole 14 seasons...), Bill S. Preston, Theodore Logan, Spock, The Rock, Doc Ock, Hulk Hogan, Freddy Krueger, Jason Voorhees, Captain Hook, Harry Potter, Han Solo, PacMan & Mr. Rogers...along with their counterparts from the others 3 parallel dimensions (its a shame that the 4rth dimension its destroyed...dang, Just when I was ready to conquer it) for help. I'd be a really bloody battle, but there's a small chance (.01%) that I'd survive. On the other hand, If I add Saber and 95-tan to my army, maybe there's a good chance to survive...

What would you do if you were given a chance to fulfill a desire? (really original question, right?)


at first I would think abt, if i should and then do it ... become an angel and destroy the all living things .... a disk best served cold

if you became a super hero wht would you call yourself ... oh and wht colour costume would u wear?


I would call myself Mr. X-ray or something.  My costume would be originally black but has the ability to camoflage me.

If you knew you could do anything, what would you do?


Id see my dad again.  I thought about that question for a while, debating all the cool things I could do, but none of it would really mean anything in the end, but one more chat with my dad would be the one thing i could do that I would cherish forever.

I soppose thats assuming you ment if you could do any ONE thing huh?

If you could go back in time with modern day equipment and change or do any one event in history what would you change, how, and why?
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

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QuoteIf you could go back in time with modern day equipment and change or do any one event in history what would you change, how, and why?

I would go back in time to 1979 and kill the first Ayatollah and take control of Iran. Why? Because if I ruled Iran, it would become a modern nation, and not the autocracy it is today.

If you could go back in time and prevent yourself from doing something, what would that thing be and why?


Quote from: "NewYinzer"
QuoteIf you could go back in time with modern day equipment and change or do any one event in history what would you change, how, and why?

I would go back in time to 1979 and kill the first Ayatollah and take control of Iran. Why? Because if I ruled Iran, it would become a modern nation, and not the autocracy it is today.

and you just broke the chain... ;019. You're suposed to make another of those "If you could..."
Just edit it  ;010
Aside that, It's a good election. You'd have saved a lot of troubles in this days (there won't be problems about the nukes, Siria/Hezbollah wouldn't receive weapons from them, one less extremist teocracy, etc...), and they would be the only country (aside the US) who would still be able to operate F-14's :D


Okay. I've regained my composure. Here's my next question:

If you could go back in time and prevent yourself from doing something, what would that thing be and why?


To have gone shopping this year for my bro's birthday. I ended up in hospital for a couple of days and have a big scar on my forehead since I somehow was involved in a traffic accident on that day.

What would you do if you suddenly find yourself in North Korea with only the clothes you wear and 5 USD?

Kial Harry Potter ĉiam faras danĝerajn aferojn?

Pro lia vol\' de mort\'!


I would find a major road, make my way south, eating whatever could be found on the road. By the time I reach the border, I would sneak into the forests, and find a safe place to break through. Once I made it to South Korea, I would find the nearest settlement, use the $5 to make a phone call to the US Embassy, and then they would find me some transport home. Probably I'd be dead before I would find a road south.

Next question:
If you had two cows, what would you do with them?