Forum Games: What would you do if...?

Started by Pitkin, December 27, 2005, 03:13:00 PM

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i would be a good mod! rule with the iron first and smack it in the face of the deserving :D

what would you do if you were the god of internet?


id keep all the porn to myself!  well all the good porn.  stuff like nose fetish.. that can go.

well no one says they want to be a bad mod :P I was refering to more spicific changes and such, but oh well no one puts much thought into their reply to this.

What would you do if you were invisable?
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

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make sure nobody sees me?    ;026

I'd go everywhere, i could easily hitchhike on a plane or something then peek in places, and see the forbidden ;036

what would you do if you discovered that this day will repeat itself over and over again and you are the only one aware of this occurance?
My my, aren't you lovely~


I'd get the hell away from there since I dislike most tropical islands. They're too damn hot and everything wants to either bite or stab you.

You have to defuse a bomb consisting of 30lbs of Tetrytol with a tetryl booster and redundant caps. Saba-chan probably made it. No disruptor is available. What would you do?


Id cordon off the area, evacuate bystanders and call EOD.  They should have the resorces to defuse/disarm it, or the authroziation to do a controled det of it.

what would you do if a family member was murdered and the murderer walked do to a technicality?
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

Commisions Available - Send PM for details.


Spend my all my life and resources to to find legal recourse, and/or to make his very existence miserable.

Okay, what would you do if you found  a "Debug Menu" for life, the universe and everything?


I would lock it with a powerful password so no one could break it! I don't want to change things these way...

What would you do if you could go to any virtual worlds (game worlds, anime worlds, etc.) - of course you could go back when you want. :D


I'd make a lot of new friends!

What would you do if, by some freak genetic flaw, your body started producing blood at 5X the needed rate?


I would be extraordinarily perturbed. Then I might make a habit of visiting the blood bank more often.

What would you do it you tried to turn off your alarm clock and it bit you?


I'd congratulate it on overcoming it's fear of humans, and ask it never to bite me again. Then I'd figure out where the teeth came from...

What would you do if Windows ME was actually stable?

Megaman Z

I dunno, but we probably wouldn't be here.

what would you do if the PS3 actually launched with good games?


not care about it, i'm not a console gamer :P

what would you do if it really was "all about the pentiums"? lol



What would you do if someone throw a grenade at you?


Flee of course!

What would you do if Latin suddenly became the International business language?


I may begin studying Latin. Or do the domestic business instead. ;013

The expected answer from my last question:
Pull the pin out, then throw it back!  ;027

What would you do if your computer freeze and your keyboard doesn't have Ctrl, Alt, Delete keys?
(You can't neither press the power button nor unplug it!)