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Food, Food, Food...

Started by Raffaele the Amigan, September 12, 2010, 06:06:13 AM

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random korean instant noodles
My my, aren't you lovely~


Cap'n Crunch with chocolate milk for breakfast. So good...


had generic honeycomb, and going to crack open a can of cokey-coly. 8)
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I had fishsticks for supper, with a chocolate donut for dessert.

Sadly, no custard to go with said fishsticks


sprite and mac and cheese.

gonna have some iced (or maybe hot!) tea later, this mac'n'cheese is rather heavy ><;
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Hardtack, bacon, beef jerky, water.  Fuck yeah.


I had chili dogs for supper


Rye bread, some cucumber and banana milkshake. Sugoi.


iced tea, low-fat yogurt and cheese-its. i wanted to have a sandwich, but it appears we're not jelly.
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Beef Stroganoff, my favorite.   My last meal on this planet would be that dish. 


found out that the french loaf i bought over a week ago is still good. sliced off two pieces and made toast. ate it, along with this coca-cola and these poptarts.

i'm calling this lunch, and we're having chicken for dinner. :3
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I had sausage with mac & cheese. The sausage was so good, you didn't need BBQ sauce for it


thinking of having moar of that loaf. and i still have a large glass of iced tea (this glass was a buck, and it probably holds a good quart of liquid. -w-).
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I had a chicken fried steak sandwich. Not as epic as the open steak sandwich, but still good


yesterday morning i had sherbert for breakfast. :\

this morning, i had cereal
for lunch, a PB&J
for dinner, 2 banquet dinners (been feeling pretty hungry lately)
gonna have a banquet pie later :3
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