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Food, Food, Food...

Started by Raffaele the Amigan, September 12, 2010, 06:06:13 AM

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had a bowl of orange creamsicle ice cream w/ chocolate sauce.

not sure what to have for dinner....maybe mac and cheese?
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I had some mild chili and rice for supper. It was pretty good, and something I hadn't done in a long time


watermelon (tastes weird, though). and iced tea. :3
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I've never really liked watermelon; just something about it's taste was always off-putting to me


well, it depends on where in the watermelon you're eating. if you eat really close to the rind, you get most of the juice, and it's not all crumbly like it is towards the middle. ^^
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For me, it doesn't really matter where in the watermelon I eat it from; I just don't care much for the taste. However, I heard somebody say something about yellow watermelons tasting different, so I might have to give one of those a try...

Anyway, I had some mac & cheese with sliced wieners (Covered in BBQ sauce, of course) for supper. It was good, although it would have been better if I had more BBQ sauce to work with.


been kinda grazing all day.....things i can remember eating:
onion bagel
leftover watermelon
bowl of cereal (honeycomb generic form)
mini jawbreakers
jax cheesy poofs
1 can of coke, 1 can of root beer
2 glasses of iced tea
mac and cheese banquet
bowl of orange creamsicle ice cream w/ chocolate syrup (currently eating)
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I had an epic cake earlier; a yellowcake with chocolate icing on top and a layer of vanilla pudding in the middle. Whoever came up with the idea for that is a genius


ooooo, sounds nummy. :3 i have a frozen dinner peach pie and a hunk of cake waiting for later. ^^ (unless i get hungry, it'll be one or the other :\ )

just had dinner, which was a banquet chicken nuggets and fries meal, with iced tea. :3
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Was drinking a Coca-Cola earlier; the first real Coke I've had in what feels like a long time. I had almost forgotten how good it was...


i got some stake n shake today.

a breakfast slider, fries and a large coke.

shit was so cash.


tea and a pretzel. i'm not feeling well. ><;
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All I did for lunch was a bologna sandwich. It was good, but then again, it's hard to screw up something that simple


wondering what to have for dinner. :\
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Having a cup of coffee right now, since I had a bit of a sore throat when I got up this morning