Now Playing...

Started by Agelu, December 20, 2005, 04:34:38 PM

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I dusted off Oblivion, mostly just to see how it runs on the new gfx card.   But I'm trying to play as something I didn't through my first run, namely a vampire.  But it's a bit of a pain, since I can't go out into the sunlight. (As I want the full vampire benefits. No blood drinking).

I also play a bit of BF1942, since I bought the WWII Anthology edition the other day.


Quote from: "Nidas"
I'll probably start playing StarCraft again soon too

Oh, another Starcraft player! Unfortunately I'm only play UMS (Use Map Settings) maps, because if I want to be even a moderate player in normal gaming, I need to play a lot, and it takes too much time, while UMSes don't require too much skill, these are just for fun, for example defense maps (I like them a lot).


That reminds me I need to re-install Starcraft. Awesome game, second only to C&C Red Alert 2 and Yuri's Revenge.

Each smallest act of kindness reverberates across great distances and spans of time, affecting lives unknown to the one whose generous spirit was the source of this good echo, because kindness is passed on and grows each time it\'s passed, until a simple courtesy becomes a act of selfless courage years later and far away. Likewise, each small meanness, each expression of hatred, each act of evil. -some asshole


Oh, I used to make maps for StarCraft.  I think I still have some of them, wonder if I can find them again.  Oh yes, it's a brilliant game.   :smoke:


And what kind of maps did you make? For normal playing or UMS ones? I also tried to make maps , but the results... we shouldn't talk about that  :p


Quote from: "Exa"Oh, another Starcraft player! Unfortunately I'm only play UMS (Use Map Settings) maps, because if I want to be even a moderate player in normal gaming, I need to play a lot, and it takes too much time, while UMSes don't require too much skill, these are just for fun, for example defense maps (I like them a lot).

haha yeah its a great game :D Never actually played online, though I keep meaning to =/

Quote from: "Silentbob"Oh, I used to make maps for StarCraft. I think I still have some of them, wonder if I can find them again.

upload em! :P

So who does everyone use in SC then? I'm usually a Terran player personally :D


Yes, Nidas, I can understand you. When I played normal games, I usually go with Terrans too (and if it's possible, on the UMSes too). At first I played with them because they are the humans  ;001  , but after a while I continue using them because of their resilience (moveable buildings, repairs...). And the Siege Tank-Goliath combo is fine too!


Forget starcraft.  Dawn Of War and Mark of Chaos for RTS.

Im also playing the F.E.A.R. expansion pack Extraction Point right now.  Also finishing of Halflife 2 episode one in preperation for Episode 2.
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

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Quote from: "Exa"Yes, Nidas, I can understand you. When I played normal games, I usually go with Terrans too (and if it's possible, on the UMSes too). At first I played with them because they are the humans  ;001  , but after a while I continue using them because of their resilience (moveable buildings, repairs...). And the Siege Tank-Goliath combo is fine too!

I also played with them because they're humans :D. And I continued using them because...well...I got used to them, and they're the most versatile of all races. Loved the Battlecruiser-Science Vessel combo(plus some Wraiths . In case of enemy dragoons, some tanks) while playing Starcraft. In Brood War I had to change strategy and go Tank-Goliath (plus small force of wraiths, depending of the situation) cause devourers and corsairs rape battlecruisers.
Haven't played in a while, but I still remember shortcuts and everything :D. Should install it again >_>. I hope my account it's still alive <_<

I suck with Zergs. Mediocre with Protoss. Average advanced player with Terrans

At the moment...I'm not really playing a lot as I could, but sometimes:
-America's Army
-Comanche 4

Should install Halo again.
We should organize a Starcraft multiplayer match someday :D


Quote from: "Darknight_88"COMRADE!
I also played with them because they're humans :D. And I continued using them because...well...I got used to them, and they're the most versatile of all races. Loved the Battlecruiser-Science Vessel combo(plus some Wraiths . In case of enemy dragoons, some tanks) while playing Starcraft. In Brood War I had to change strategy and go Tank-Goliath (plus small force of wraiths, depending of the situation) cause devourers and corsairs rape battlecruisers.

I suck with Zergs. Mediocre with Protoss. Average advanced player with Terrans

I love zerg on Brood War just because of lurkers :p I guess I'm ok with zerg and protoss, but I'm still a Terran player at heart.

Quote from: "Darknight_88"We should organize a Starcraft multiplayer match someday :D

haha I would get DESTROYED xD Never played it online lol. I'd be up for it though :p


Don' worry, I would get not only destroyed but PWNED! XD The idea of the match is great, but the only problem is the server (I'm on the European server) But it should be a bit later, because it's hard to organize time while there are exams...

EDIT (2007.01.16.): Nowadays I found an interesting wargame/turn-based strategy called Gadget Trial. It's similar to Advance Wars, but has Mecha Musume-like unit designs and a bit different turn-system (among with some other things). I just played the demo, but I'm sure I'll find a way getting the full version! :D


I just picked up Lost Planet for the 360.. and it is awsome XD  The exploring of a post apocoliptic ice world filled with insect like aliens that produce a precious life sustaining thermal energy.  You must kill them to survive the freesing temperatures and find a way to save humanity!  One of the best 360 games out so far (and there are getting to be quite a few)  

Tho.. while im on that subject...out of the 3 gaming stores Ive been to recently.. all three had PS3s... they cant sell em.  this shortly after its launch date and the demand has already dropped so much that you can just walk into the store and get one.  probobly makes the people that shot or stabbed someone over one on launch day feel pretty stupid.
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

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Megaman Z

I'm -slowly- running through all the songs that got entered into StepMania's "StepMix2" competition...


QuoteTho.. while im on that subject...out of the 3 gaming stores Ive been to recently.. all three had PS3s... they cant sell em. this shortly after its launch date and the demand has already dropped so much that you can just walk into the store and get one. probobly makes the people that shot or stabbed someone over one on launch day feel pretty stupid.

Took the words right out of my mouth.  ^__^
Sony fanboys insist the PS3 will get better -- but with a pitiful launch like that, and the iPod-like mass-market appeal of the Wii, I'm thinking 3DO/Saturn/Dreamcast scenario here...  -v-'


Quote from: "C-Chan"
QuoteTho.. while im on that subject...out of the 3 gaming stores Ive been to recently.. all three had PS3s... they cant sell em. this shortly after its launch date and the demand has already dropped so much that you can just walk into the store and get one. probobly makes the people that shot or stabbed someone over one on launch day feel pretty stupid.

Took the words right out of my mouth.  ^__^
Sony fanboys insist the PS3 will get better -- but with a pitiful launch like that, and the iPod-like mass-market appeal of the Wii, I'm thinking 3DO/Saturn/Dreamcast scenario here...  -v-'

I haven't seen anything in the PS3 range that makes me want to buy one. Then again same can be said for the Wii (well except Zelda, but I'm not buying a console just for one game). Xbox 360 looks to have some nice games, but not enough to make me want to get one yet. I'm happy enough with my trusty PS2 at the moment :D