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Started by Agelu, December 20, 2005, 04:34:38 PM

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Hehe, gon' have to agree there ^^
Tried it out over in sweden 'er few weeks ago, but ziggy flame it is hard! I'll prolly stick with my ol' GC for a good while...


oh, it wont give away anything, but I have a funny story!

I was playing the game, and there is this part where link rides in on his horse to save the day, and I was plaing that scean, and my buddy started singing the system of the down zelda song, and OMG was it funny XD it fit perfectly
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

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Currently replaying Command & Conquer 3's campaigns on Hard difficulty, although it seems to be much easier than the first time I played them on normal.

Afterwards, for want of RTS to play, will be installing Warhammer 40K Dawn of War.

... all of which I'll drop once Starcraft II is announced for real.

-War is hell, and I mean to make it so. - William Tecumseh Sherman


i play Medieval II Total War (the historical Strategy game)
~Everything is learnable!~
It comes only on it, how much strives and time you put into it.
And there arn\'t better or worse for us artist only different!
All Artists have their own individually styles and all drawings have their own good sides!


I'm currently playing Brigandine and Shining tears!
My my, aren't you lovely~


I recently picked up the new God of War game. I don't think it's very good, imo it's total crap compared to the first game. But sequels sometimes are like that.


S.T.A.L.K.E.R, C&C3 and SupCom.  

First one's creepy.  With all the nasty mutants and all.    ;013


So I played Dawn of War... and loved it.

So I got Dark Crusade (skipped out on Winter Assault)... and now it's the number one game being played in my internet cafe ^^;;; Letting people watch how Bloodthirsters or Avatars slaughter their enemies at ground level always convinces them to try it out XD

-War is hell, and I mean to make it so. - William Tecumseh Sherman


Not playing anything right now, but on my HDD is Rappelz, SupCom and NWN2. Uninstalled STALKER recently to empty enough space to fit the damn NWN2 .iso - I fukken haet the amount of space those things grab! Thats one of the few cons of being a pirate ^^ You'd better have resources!


humm go back to winter assault, its worth it! wonderful campaign (still story based) and the guard rock so much more in it
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

Commisions Available - Send PM for details.


^ Was just thinking of that, for completion's sake... besides, it sucks when you can't use your Baneblade against other players in Dark Crusade because you can't use IG -_-;;;

-War is hell, and I mean to make it so. - William Tecumseh Sherman


plus, in winter assault you can have as many damn kasarkin squads as you want. regular guardsmen?  eh, who needs them.
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

Commisions Available - Send PM for details.


Today I played Company of Heroes (it came with my gfx card, how generous of them.  Well, I paid good money for it, so it was probably more like "included" in the price).

I also gave Test Drive Unlimited a whirl, as I like to speed.  Lots of road to drive on in that game.  I think I drove for half an hour and got lost in the end.    ;013


S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Shadow of Chernobyl
Battlefield 2
Doom 3

...that's pretty much it.


Me and onii-sama took out Dynasty warriors 5 last night. I have to say that it was fun, really fun!