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Started by Agelu, December 20, 2005, 04:34:38 PM

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The 360 now does everything the PS3 does, but you dont HAVE to have the features you dont want, and if you want them later you can upgrade to them. Alot of the PS3s launch titles are also 360 titles.. so they dont even have many unique games.  

As for the Wii.. they may get more games I want for it later... but for now there is nothing.  Heck, I tried the Wii version of zelda.. 10 times harder to control.  Stick to the GC controler, or get the GC version for that one.  Trust me on that one -_-
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

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Quote from: "CaptBrenden"As for the Wii.. they may get more games I want for it later... but for now there is nothing.  Heck, I tried the Wii version of zelda.. 10 times harder to control.  Stick to the GC controler, or get the GC version for that one.  Trust me on that one -_-

I didn't really like Wind Waker, I was hoping Twilight Princess would be a good return to form =/ ah well. Maybe I should just get my N64 out and give Ocarina of Time or Majora's Mask another whirl XD


i ment twilate princes for the GC.. they have two versions.... just one uses the wii mote, one plays traditional
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

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Really?  I haven't played a Zelda game since Link to the Past, so I thought Twilight Princess was fantabulous.  ^__^

But then like I said before, I lovez active games.  ^.^

(Also, I try not to keep too many light sources around my friend's TV, else they mess with the sensor configuration and make the wiimote harder to use.  ^^')

Other incredible games I've tried and/or own, and love....  ^___^

- SUPER SWING GOLF [ftw!!!  only hardcore anime game available for westerners at this time.  ^.^]
- Excite Truck [so intense, it actually makes me sweat for some odd reason.... ^^']
- Rampage [extremely underrated]
- Metal Slug Anthology (7 awesome arcade legends for one budget price!)
- Elebits (funny as hell!)  ^v^
- Wii Sports (now proven to make you lose weight...  ^__^)

Can't wait for Wii Play, Mercury Madness and Sonic Secret Rings, among other things.  ^.^

Although actually, I'd rather settle for my own console.  ^^'
Borrowing a friend's is cool, but I need practice time, ya know... -v-'


Recently, there hasn't been many games that interest me yet that has been released.
Currently, I've been playing a bunch of games I got for the DS:
- Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
- Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Justice for All
- Chocobo to Mahou no Ehon (to be released in NA as Final Fantasy Fables: Chocobo Tales)
- Children of Mana
- Megaman ZX
- Mario and Luigi: Partners in Time
- Trauma Center: Under the Knife
- Final Fantasy III
I got so into Phoenix Wright that I ended up beating both games within a total of 5 days.
I'm also Playing Super Swing Golf (aka Swing Golf Pangya) on the Wii. I've almost unlocked everything (yay for 100% Pangya Shots).
I want to post what games I'm looking forward to on the PS3 and Wii, but my post would probably be too much, and would be going off topic.


I'd love to get a console system but I always end up upgrading my computer instead. The last console I had was the Dreamcast(_skeleton). Very sad.

Half-Life mods provide endless entertainment. I'm looking forward to Ep. 2, as is everyone else that played Ep. 1.  

I'm also working on Heroes Journey. It's a really cool MMO. Check it out if you're into that kind of thing.

I still play Ghost Recon co-op. It's much better than the newer "Advanced Warfighter" version.

Drop me a line if you want to play a multiplayer game. I've got quite a few other FPS's lying about.


Hehe,... I've always preferred PC games as well, since you can easily MOD most PC games, whereas consoles themselves are set and stone.  -v-

So before the Wii arrived, what was the point if everything you could've played on a console could more or less be played on a PC as well, only slightly better.  ^__^

Naturally, though, despite it's simple hardware, it's gonna be tough to recreate the Wii experience on a computer, so in a way that's an advantage.

KuroKyosuke, I'm still a novice as far as Super Swing Golf goes, but I'm already past the brief frustration phase that turns most casual gamers and lazy reviewers off, and into the "Ah, so THAT'S how you're supposed to swing this thing" phase.  ^__^
Still keeping mostly to the Free Mode training phase, but having lots of fun doing so,... it won't be long before I'm ready to hit Single Player and start earning some Pang.  ^__^

And talk about fortunate coincidences... -v-

Just hours after i wished I had my own Wii console, I just so happened to have walked into a random, easily-overlooked game shop and found 3 in stock.  ^__^

I returned home with my white box of gold, and an extra Wiimote/Nunchuk pair, and I couldn't have been happier.  ^__^

Now all I need is an Ethernet adapter.... -v-


not to burst your bubble.. but all 5 shops in this area have both ps3s and wiis in stock.   Not a big deal C-Chan...

Actually..  I couldnt dispise that controler more. I will openly weep if you cant play the next metroid game with the standard controller -_- I really hate that thing.. truely.  

I still dont think a Wii is worth it.  I mean.. if you take away the novelty of its controler.. its just a game cube.. it lacks the support for High Def and all that.. I really see no need to get it.

And... I wouldnt say moding is easy.. no way no how..  It takes alot of work to make a mod worth a damn.. and it seems like alot of the best looking mods never get done -_- and they can be glitchy.. such a pain.  But I admit, its worth it when you do find a well put togeather mod.  

Oh! Loving the 360 controller so much, I round out that you can use the corded version of it with your computer! so I went out and picked one up at the local EB used, downloaded the drivers, and I can now use it with all my favoride PC games!  I can now use it to play all my old roms.. been playing some super metroid, some link to the past, some crono trigger.. Woo!

sure beats getting a wii and paying 5 bucks to download them again.
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

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Quote from: "Myrdin"The last console I had was the Dreamcast(_skeleton). Very sad.

Drop me a line if you want to play a multiplayer game. I've got quite a few other FPS's lying about.

Dreamcast was very underrated in my opinion, it had PS2 GFX years before PS2 was actually released. A friend of mine had one of the things actually and I really liked it...except for the controller.

Wolf:ET? if you don't have it, get it (it's free) and give it a try, the gameplay is a bit arcade and not too realistic but it's got classes like in TeamFortress and it's got XP-points!! You'll see when you play it, i love the gameplay of that game.


QuoteDreamcast was very underrated in my opinion, it had PS2 GFX years before PS2 was actually released. A friend of mine had one of the things actually and I really liked it...except for the controller.

Wolf:ET? if you don't have it, get it (it's free) and give it a try, the gameplay is a bit arcade and not too realistic but it's got classes like in TeamFortress and it's got XP-points!! You'll see when you play it, i love the gameplay of that game.

Yeah, Dreamcast was a fabulous little system, and I still remember when I confused one of the Madden games on the storefront window with a real American Football broadcast (from afar at least).  ^.^

Sadly, the Dreamcast suffered the same fate as the Amiga -- great system stuck with an idiotic company.  -v-
Anyone who comes up with the Mushroom of Death (aka, 32X) is bound to fail miserably.  ^__^

Quotenot to burst your bubble.. but all 5 shops in this area have both ps3s and wiis in stock. Not a big deal C-Chan...

Oh-hohoho!  Wow!  If you have that many Wiis in little ol' Everett Washington, then please buy them up all, and export them to Canada and Mexico where they're REALLY needed!  ^v^

No but seriously, yesterday's big shipment was lapped up immediately where I live, so I just liken my success to the fact that the game shop I went to was relatively ignored in favor of the larger super stores.  -v-

QuoteActually.. I couldnt dispise that controler more. I will openly weep if you cant play the next metroid game with the standard controller -_- I really hate that thing.. truely.

I still dont think a Wii is worth it. I mean.. if you take away the novelty of its controler.. its just a game cube.. it lacks the support for High Def and all that.. I really see no need to get it.

Well in all fairness, you are right about the Wii being a GameCube 2.  Hardware-wise, it has an amazingly simple arrangement that deviates very little from the gamecube, helping to keep the costs down.  -v-
I for one never owned a GameCube, so perhaps someone who has would find this extremely annoying (although on the plus side, you can easily play GameCube games on this thing).  But I suppose small developers could find this as a blessing, since there's not much difference in the Wii programming from the gamecube's.  I always hated the prospect of small-time developers being displaced due to the higher graphics demands of new consoles -- if all games were required to go the way of Gears of War, sooner or later we'd just end up with one giant game company that'd have the resources to create such games and would monopolize the industry. -.-

As for the controller, I'm not surprised either that a fellow veteran gamer would consider it a mere novelty.  In our lifetime, we've seen the Light Gun, uForce, the Power Glove, the Super Scope, the Menacer, countless steering wheels, Eye Toy, Dance Dance Pad, the Taiko Drum, the Guitar Hero controller, the 360 microphone, etc, etc, etc....
Countless attachments that have helped make our gaming experiences a bit more interactive, but that sooner or later get old really fast.  -v-

But as far as gaming goes, we've also been the "elite" -- the tiny segment of the world's population that has lived with video games nearly all our lives, understood them enough to do more than they were designed to, and had the luxury of switching games and new consoles relatively frequently.  -v-

For the old style gamers, the 360 and PS3 still cater to their generation.
But I can personally attest that the Wii has been phenomenal with non-gamers, who not knowing anything better now view the Wii as this miracle virtual reality machine from the future.  

In my house I get lots of visitors and their kids relatively frequently, and roughly thrice that number at my friend's house, which is a veritable hive of activity (especially when the crazy Dominicans stop over).  I've traditionally have had a lot of fun showing the kids how to play Pig Pong (yeah, you read that right.  ^.^), and I don't worry about the adults getting bored with repetitive games because they're the kind of people who've played cards 5 times a day, 6 days a week, 51 weeks a year, for the past 30 years and never get bored with it for some reason.  They're also the kind of people who get unnerved by ultra-realistic graphics, have no computers (except maybe for one of the kids), and think those 300 pound LCD projection TVs are the latest in high definition.

Nearly all of them have tried the Wii (specifically Wii sports) and non have been awful at it.  The controls are simple enough to make them feel empowered enough to play on, and the cheers and excitement that ensue are so riveting, you'd think their favorite team had won the World Cup.  By our own experience, this is probably uncool when an old man who's never touched a game controller in his life beats you at bowling.  But looking at it from a new light, this level playing feel opens new levels of enjoyment (and exercise!) for a far greater number of people.  

Not bought 5 months ago, I read a silly article on the BBC that was discussing ways to attract more woman players, and the idiotic ideas the major game companies were coming up with to do so.  But now, by shear twist of fate, woman players outnumber us men at these parties.  ^__^

And besides that, nothing is cuter than watching a 4 year old girl playing the Wii and not entirely suck at it.  -v-

QuoteAnd... I wouldnt say moding is easy.. no way no how.. It takes alot of work to make a mod worth a damn.. and it seems like alot of the best looking mods never get done -_- and they can be glitchy.. such a pain. But I admit, its worth it when you do find a well put togeather mod.

Hehe,... not talking about full-expansion Mods here.  ^__^
Just enough to cheat, or add an Anime character in your games.  ^v^
Or in the case of Command & COnquer: Generals/Zero Hour, to return technology trees to they're rightful place (why the hell would the Chinese in 2030 use bolt-action riflemen?)  O_o

QuoteOh! Loving the 360 controller so much, I round out that you can use the corded version of it with your computer! so I went out and picked one up at the local EB used, downloaded the drivers, and I can now use it with all my favoride PC games! I can now use it to play all my old roms.. been playing some super metroid, some link to the past, some crono trigger.. Woo!

sure beats getting a wii and paying 5 bucks to download them again.

Well aside from TurboGrafix games, I too have no interest in the Virtual Console cause I already know how to get ROMs, -v-

But again I reiterate....

The iPod sucks compared to more practical mp3 players, but because it caters to barely computer-literate people, it's been able to dominate the market with uber-convenient music downloads.

The same might fly for the Wii, because the Virtual Console is also designed to be uber convenient (assuming the user is interested in old games, or knows how and WANTS to connect the Wii to the internet to begin with).  

Besides, the hardcore users have already figured out how to get an awful lot of mileage off the Wii (aside from interactive pr0n), and have been able to connect the Wii to their PCs to play music collections, video collections, applications, etc, etc...
It won't be long before they start doing home-brewed ROM emulation on the Wii at this rate, and more so if the user base explodes.  -v-


The wiis claim to exersize is the same as that of DDR. Very limited at best.. hell alot of gamers get that range of motion from internet fapping.   The Wii should never be concidered a true from of exersize, but i admit it does make people more active.  

As for catering to the ...non gamers.. I soppose that would be good for nintento.. since hardecore gamers have slowly been leaving them for years due to the shortage of mature games on their systems.  I still love nintento and their games.. but short of resident evil and metal gear, they dont get much in the way of mature games anymore.  But frankly, from my point of view, I feel abandoned.  I think it will only speed the process of "elite" gamers leaving.  We used to play the NES when we were kids, but now we are grown, we have HD widescreen TVs, surround sound systems, and plenty of money for the best toys out there.. and the wii falls short of that expectation.. novelty controler not wistanding.  Once that controller wares off on you... your left with a second game cube, thats less cube.  Short of EBS offer to give you 50 off your wii in exchange for your old cube... i cant warrent spending the money on it.  Hell they probobly could have made an attachment for the cube for that controller.

as for the streeming of to play music and video.. the 360 does that as well.  As for the vitual system.. i spent the last few days prusing the live Arcade.. and its pretty bad ass.. but what makes the difference.. is the original content.  its got some ports.. and they really arnt worth the money to download. But the original games for it are pretty sweet, and they just increesed the size cap for them so developers can make larger better original content.   Im not sure how the wii is set up, but you can download demos of all those games before you buy them so you know if you want them.  Its alowed me to get several very good arcade came and I havent bought a single one that ive regretted.

Xbox Live also now has downloadable HD movies.  They are coming out with a redesinged 360 soon, with a quieter processor and a 120 gig hard drive.. things are looking up for it.
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

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Yay, we're now in perfect agreement then.  ^__^
Granted, in some recent study conducted, active games similar to the Wii burnt several times more calories than traditional game play or watching TV, but DDR still burned even MORE calories than that!  ^__^

So DDR is still king among quasi-exercise games -- I just stopped doing that to save my wood floors.... -v-'

I suppose I know what you mean about feeling abandoned -- no doubt the Sega fanboys felt the same way when the company ditched them altogether.  But as you say, the bird's gotta leave the nest some day.... -v-

Think of it this way,... variety is key, and even if the Wii is as wildly successful as I think it'll be, it's the responsibility of 360/PS3 gamers to hold a niche market.  Monopolies are never good no matter how good they may seem,....  -v-

Take for instance this story....

Back in American 1950's, greasy-spoon diners were the norm, and attracted every kind of rowdy teenager thanks to hot waitresses on skateboards.  Great food and awesome chicks worked for these kids and earned these diners millions, but this completely turned off families who insisted therefore on eating at home.

Then came an ingenious entrepeneur named McDonald's, who established a systematic restaurant that could prepare food very quickly with minimal training, and also kept the restaurants nice and clean and smut free.  Whereas the rowdy teenagers made fun of these "McDonald's" and went back to oggling more boobs on skates, families brought themselves and their kids to these new restaurants in DROVES.

As you know, 50 years later, its McDonald's that's now the evil fast food empire, and those diners (minus the boobs on skates) that are the underdogs.  But although most of those teenagers had to eventually give in once they had families of their own, they still prevented ALL restaurants from turning into fast food joints.

Had history progressed otherwise, I'm sure 300lbs would be the average weight for Americans by now.  ^^'

QuoteXbox Live also now has downloadable HD movies. They are coming out with a redesinged 360 soon, with a quieter processor and a 120 gig hard drive.. things are looking up for it.

I hear that thing needs a quieter processor.  ^__^
Too bad they can't do anything about the power brick,.... -v-

But then on the bright side,... the PS3 doesn't have one and it still sucks.  ^__^


yes.. it does have a powerbrick, but i dont see it.. at all. why? cus it sits behind the TV stand like the rest of the cords.  problem solved.  

but i fail to see how mcdonalds becoming an evil empire that makes americans fat proves that evil empires are good..

but with the way things are going.. apperently the 360 has the responsibility to support the the nitch gamers since the ps3 is failing...
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

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i gotta say the 360 is VERY makes about 10x more noise than my PC, and my PC isn't even that quiet...and it's not the processor it's the fans mostly jeez it's like vacumecleaner


it is prety loud.. but the redesign is soppose to fix it.. that or you can get and expensive water cooling mod kit
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

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