OS-tan in pencil

Started by HaloCapella, July 23, 2010, 09:31:54 AM

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Vistako? Nice save, Midget-tan... not really... lol

Vista sure can doe the name calling... should use all the available languages by default. Show how much I hate XP for having to look for the install disc just to add something that should have been there in the first place. :D
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i'm wondering if you meant "tako" as in octopus or "taco" as in, well, taco. either way it's pretty funny. :3
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pages eight and nine. with a sudden appearance. :p


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Wait... wat?

Suddenly I got this weird yuri bibe out of Nanami. O///O Then again, Nanami-chan is all about the moe... so this might pass up as that?

Please let this be something amazing... whatever the situation is...

EDIT: I forgot to say (with all the moe going on right now)... I also notice how you switch between the original names you gave them and the more commonly known names. Are you going to keep both name sets, is it?
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nanami's a molester? who knew....... o____o;

and on kiso's note, pick one or the other, having both is weird. >___<
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Quote from: "Kiso"Wait... wat?

Suddenly I got this weird yuri bibe out of Nanami. O///O Then again, Nanami-chan is all about the moe... so this might pass up as that?

Please let this be something amazing... whatever the situation is...

EDIT: I forgot to say (with all the moe going on right now)... I also notice how you switch between the original names you gave them and the more commonly known names. Are you going to keep both name sets, is it?

Actually, I'm going to use both. Tho, technically, Nanami's going to be the one who mostly calls them os-tans as nicknames when they have their other names. (like what Vista was saying to Chisai) I am past halfway of thinking up for the story after all. Since I made up the Keychip idea, so I'll be using these made-up names for a purpose.

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Cool... I guess we'll be seeing something more original behind this story, as opposed to what most people like to do. Variety, variety!
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eh, alright, creative licence.

and, love the nanami molester angle. >:3
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Me too... and I feel guilty... whic makes eet butt....er



Oh forget it... I like her bad/good/freaky/moe/sexy/hentai/yuri/straight/bi/religious/bing/msn/facebook/twitter side anyways!! :D
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same. 8)

and halo, i had a dream you friended me on another service........ o____o;
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Quote from: "Chocofreak13"same. 8)

and halo, i had a dream you friended me on another service........ o____o;

Hmm? Another service, like MSN or another site? We can do that actually. ^^;

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gaia or something like it......you were saying "hey i noticed you like os-tans, i like them too!" or something like that
it was weird.
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was busy at the moment, thats why it took so long. Ah well, you get a 4-page special today. :3 huhuu




Enjoys ^^

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s'alright, but i'm having a slight bit of trouble following what exactly is going on. :\
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Seconded.  Though I think I've got it figured out the dialogue is a tad confusing.