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Member Introduction Thread

Started by Pitkin, December 11, 2005, 04:12:02 PM

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oi. don't accuse people of bullying when all they did was say that you should introduce yourself if you're gonna be here. that's common courtesy and it makes no sense to get someone else in trouble cause you're shy.

madobe as in nanami or one of the 8 girls? gotta be clear about that. though it's become a general concensus that all of the windows girls are madobes :3

welcome aboard, man. i hope you stick around. my family's first computer was a compaq presario running 98 (First Edition), so i've much love for compaqs and 98. xD (i actually did a Hacchan cosplay at a con a couple years ago. ^^ )

aren't game system-tans considered general os-tans too? it's a rather broad term these days. :\
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Quote from: Chocofreak13 on January 18, 2013, 04:28:12 PM
oi. don't accuse people of bullying when all they did was say that you should introduce yourself if you're gonna be here. that's common courtesy and it makes no sense to get someone else in trouble cause you're shy.

Very well, Then I should edit it to say i was coherced into talking here  ;) ...  but now I'm glad of that bullying... think of me of Dos-tan like
Quote from: Chocofreak13 on January 18, 2013, 04:28:12 PM
madobe as in nanami or one of the 8 girls? gotta be clear about that. though it's become a general concensus that all of the windows girls are madobes :3
true true, Nanami-Chan
Quote from: Chocofreak13 on January 18, 2013, 04:28:12 PM
welcome aboard, man. i hope you stick around. my family's first computer was a compaq presario running 98 (First Edition), so i've much love for compaqs and 98. xD (i actually did a Hacchan cosplay at a con a couple years ago. ^^ )
Of course I'll stay,  I fell in love of the OS-Tans... yet I must say I'm kinda disappointed on the Personality that was given to Secchan, 'cause I know my 98SE and know it ain't shy... in fact I think it's the second best Win of all (Sorry 2K Fans)...

Quote from: Chocofreak13 on January 18, 2013, 04:28:12 PM
aren't game system-tans considered general os-tans too? it's a rather broad term these days. :\

Maybe, but I can't go saying my Ipod Shuffle G1 to be an OS-tan nor would dare to say the Ipad or kindle being computers, they aere only gadgets...

In an unrelated note, in my security questions I was asked if cows are plants or animals... in my experience, cows are WMD's[/quote]


i thought cows were aliens, since they're always getting beamed up to UFOs. :0

Secchan's personality is a complex can thank japanese canon for that. :\

um, there are ipod-tans. and i think there's an ipad-tan. and camera-tans. so if there's a device, there's likely a -tan of it. OS-tan is a VERY broad term, as i said. ^^;;
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Quote from: Chocofreak13 on January 18, 2013, 09:35:46 PM
i thought cows were aliens, since they're always getting beamed up to UFOs. :0

They've being cownapped! Cownapped I tell you, to be used in the interstellar wars (hence WMD)

Quote from: Chocofreak13 on January 18, 2013, 09:35:46 PM
Secchan's personality is a complex can thank japanese canon for that. :\

Oh I do... I resemble... erm... resent that but I Do...

Quote from: Chocofreak13 on January 18, 2013, 09:35:46 PM
um, there are ipod-tans. and i think there's an ipad-tan. and camera-tans. so if there's a device, there's likely a -tan of it. OS-tan is a VERY broad term, as i said. ^^;;
Again, those'd be gadget-tans, but I won't argue a bout Lost causes and Be like BSD-tan


Nice meeting you Alfonso, I hope you enjoy OSC. :)

And Choco is correct, if you can imagine it, there's probably been a -tan made for it. OS-tans started off as quite a narrow classification (modern operating systems), but we've branched out into all sorts of OSes, computer hardwares, software, network systems, etc, from just about every era in time.  ^.^


i feel i should back bells (and myself) up by saying that the ipod contains an OS not seen in any other format. so yes, it IS an OS-tan.
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Quote from: Bella on January 18, 2013, 10:56:23 PM
Nice meeting you Alfonso, I hope you enjoy OSC. :)

And Choco is correct, if you can imagine it, there's probably been a -tan made for it. OS-tans started off as quite a narrow classification (modern operating systems), but we've branched out into all sorts of OSes, computer hardwares, software, network systems, etc, from just about every era in time.  ^.^

Oh I'm enjoying it

Quote from: Chocofreak13 on January 18, 2013, 11:48:04 PM
i feel i should back bells (and myself) up by saying that the ipod contains an OS not seen in any other format. so yes, it IS an OS-tan.

there you got me... but it's more a firmware


if you feel like debating this, i'd say it's one for the theory thread here. but i'll let you know that you'd be alone in your findings, especially when there are already pictures of the ipod-tans in the gallery, sometimes hanging out with the OSXes. :\
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Quote from: Chocofreak13 on January 19, 2013, 10:58:04 AM
if you feel like debating this, i'd say it's one for the theory thread here. but i'll let you know that you'd be alone in your findings, especially when there are already pictures of the ipod-tans in the gallery, sometimes hanging out with the OSXes. :\

Again, I won't fight a battle I can't really win... would be only a waste of time and resources on my part...  'sides it may be as well than they are more hardware-tans


I didn't get to welcome you here earlier so here is a late welcome to OS-tan collections. I'm still kinda new here too so... 's all good.


-no problemo... the moore the merrier



Well that was...brief.

Care to elaborate?


Well, I am an archlinux user and I just love the tan design for that distribution. I also use it for starting the OS in the refind configuration.
When I was writing the refind configuration I was kinda surprised that there is not tan for GRUB. But later I noticed GRUB has its own logo, so I used it.

I general I always liked the tans because it is much easier to play with characters instead that with symbols like the windows flag.


Welcome aboard. Hope you stick around ^^