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Member Introduction Thread

Started by Pitkin, December 11, 2005, 04:12:02 PM

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un momento...y nadie me dijo antes que había alguien más de latinoamerica?

I feel cheated ;_;

Well, then Largo_san, you're our 4th latinamerican user!

Oh, and there were more users before the 25th page >.>

Welcome...FFViper, Kotoko.m, Punk and OldSkool

Did I missed anyone else? :D


BWAHAHA!!!  ^v^
It's not like I haven't hinted at it before.  -v-

Para que veas que nosotros los paisanos somos bien hechos!  Jeje....! `v'


BTW, FFViper is active and well and uploading 98-tan pics.  Oldskool is hanging around, acting a lot like new school....  -v-'

Punk is missing, though, and Kokoko.m,... *sniff* where are you.... ;___;


zomg. I didn't saw any kind of hints before Ã,¬Ã,¬



Don't worry, I know it's not always easy to look /b/e/t/w/e/e/n.... -v-

Now then, this pig's hoping you'll try your hand at another underrepresented OS-tan!  ^___^



I suddenly feel left out, as I only know Latin...

*runs away to go pratice his spanish*


I do not speak Spanish very well...I had a Spanish class a few years ago, but I forget most of it.

I think this image sums up my current state of affairs:

My cold has knocked me out of service for most of today and will definitely keep me out of school tomorrow. That's the price for working so hard you get yourself sick...



Practice is perfect for every language.  I studied French for years, but without anyone to practice with, I might as well have studied Czech.  -v-'

Love the pic,... feel a sudden bout of 80's Mac nostalgia....  ^v^'

BTW, heads up,... someone named "Zero" posted on Niijura [in English] and was redirected here by a person who kindly reminded him/her of the rules....  ^^;

So if anyone stops by asking for an Ubuntu-tan, you know what to say,.... -v-'


*falls back into OS-Tan Collections from DAC and W900*
Ello, everyone! I'm back on this thread to address an important topic:
We need more members!
It's been what, 5 days, since we've had a new member!
Any ideas?
I've got it!
*starts playing "Sakura Saku" very loudly on forum's speaker system*
It's not working...
*starts waving member flag to attract new members*
Ah, this should work!
*continues waving member flag*


Ooh,... haven't seen that flag in a while.  ^__^

Might or might not have attracted potential new members....  -v-
We'll see in the coming days.... -__-


Do any of you recall just what that member flag looked like?  Might we need a new one?




Methinks it was white, for whatever reason I can't remember right now.  ^__^'


It must look somewhat like the Russian Naval Jack:



I think I can go with that..... -v-

Very well then, carry on.  ^0^

*trots off to finish QDOS-tan*



Okay, thinks look fine here.

*trots off to do stuff*


I love that ship's name, NewYinzer!  But, alas, the irony:  She's actually the U.S.S. Missouri (BB63) which, for the information of those who may not know, anchored in Tokyo Bay and hosted the formal surrender by Japan to the Allies in 1945.


That's a great choice of ships, I must say!  There's no more war with Japan hereabouts, plus we in the Occident reap the many benefits which accrue from studying certain of Japan's artistic endeavors.  Just about to appear over the horizon in that photograph is the U.S.S. Fanboy....

