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Member Introduction Thread

Started by Pitkin, December 11, 2005, 04:12:02 PM

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Welcome all newmembers since:
September 29th, 2006

Sorry for the late welcome!
Post lots, or I'll...I'll...well I won't make you any cookies!


Welcome Randalt! please enjoy it here ^o^

So many new members.. x.x;
So cute it\'s deadly!


Quote from: "C-Chan"Being an Otaku can be impoverishing, though..... ^^;

ain't that the truth -_-;;;

Alex Stankevitch


*starts singing along to japanese songs which he doesnt know the lyrics to*


QuoteThe one in San Marcos, CA.

by the emperor you have got to be shitting me o.o  I was there just the other day.  Heck I go there twice a month, sometimes more. Once per payday :P  Its like, 30-45 minutes from here.   Fallbrook to be exact. Small world o.o

actually I got my viao tower there...

anyhow... Welcome!  To you an all the others I missed that joind in my absence.


By the way, I saw in some thread that you were developing an in-house comic? It sounds like a good idea.  

Oh, here it is:

again, sounds good.

yes, we are. slowly but surly. well kinda, 2 inhouse comics.  one manga type, one like comic strip type.  (what was the term everyone was using? 4kuma? or something?)

Quotewelcome Randalt! lol being an otaku is not a crime nor is being canadian wrong

being canadian should be illegal!  I bet they are planing to invade any time now!  *hunkers down in a sandbag bunker with a case of MRE's and his airsoft rifle collection*

Heck, C Chan should agree, since they created canadian bacon!
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

Commisions Available - Send PM for details.


In a sick sorta way, you do have a point.....  -v-

But then again, I probably have a bigger gripe against Italians for making italian sausage for far longer.  ^^'


but thank the french for french fries and french toast!
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

Commisions Available - Send PM for details.

Alex Stankevitch

Quote from: "CaptBrenden"but thank the french for french fries and french toast!

And dont forget Menage 'a Trois (cant spell it at 5am).


Quoteyes, we are. slowly but surly. well kinda, 2 inhouse comics. one manga type, one like comic strip type. (what was the term everyone was using? 4kuma? or something?)

yeah, the 4koma thing is on my to-do list.  With my lack of ideas and lack of time at the present time, it'll be a while before I get that started.

mmm fries....


Hiya and welcome Randalt-san, and forgive me for my ridiculously belated welcome. ^^;

It doesn't imply that you weren't welcome or such, just that... that... *bursts out crying* ... that I thought I had posted here five days ago already!! Y_Y

*runs out of the thread to sit under a table feeling ashamed of himself*


No problem, I feel very welcome here!  ;012


Hi i'm Daniel or largo-san XD , I found this forum in wikipedia searching os-tan, i'm chilean  ;hi


Welcome!  ^__^

Wow,... somehow I suddenly feel the urge to ph34r y0r n33d f0r b33r....
Wonder why...?  '__'


y0x! Ultimaninja introduced me here.

Lemme intro myself! Bjorn here and I'm 18 from Singapore!
Started GFX about 6 mths ago or less! But at that time, I was so freaking clueless. So I started on signatures for fun and learnt stuffs by myself

That's where it all began and shortly after, I started doing wallpapers!
Here's some of my old signature work!

Made this SIG for my friend since he said he wanted one for a forum.

Made this SIG for AnimeGFX SOTW 2. =) Designed the crosshair by myself! Won myself the AnimeGFX SOTW 2! ^^

SIG for AnimeGFX SOTW3!!! Argh!! Whole new style!

AnimeGFX ver.2 SOTW 1 where every restarted after the revamp. =)


Did this banner for Colorful Wallies in Minitokyo. Same picture as the banner I did for and yeah!!! School Rumble Forever!!!

2nd piece of work for Colorful Wallies. Did this magical thing hoping that it looked nice.

Something simple yet cool and nice. Rin with guns!

Since I did a sig for myself, though I would use the same for Colorful Wallies. Had to resize since they wanted this small dimension.

Right after this, I wanted to try something more bigger, more challenging and POOF! I went to walling! xD Yeah!
Here is is!!! (You might need to register, but it's worth it!)

My first ever wallpaper! Features Saber from Fate/Stay Night! My first hard work, from extraction, cleaning to background.

Did my second and got featured!!! First anime version of the Black Cat Wallpaper when the others were still the manga version! Oh yeah! You can find this scan anywhere! Trust me! I got it from the official website and then redrew everything! The fireworks was the most enjoyable part as I get to play with tons of colours! Did you know? Someone tried to rip this wallpaper! -.-"

Shakugan no Shana rocks and so did this wall! Also got featured!!! Since then I loved scenic walls! Love the petals and swirling glitters!

The period of time where I didn't have any inspiration at all... Even though I felt like walling, I just couldn't think of anything. In the end, I did this Uta~Kata wall, trying to merge both day and night together, ending up with a day time sky with a moon.

Yes! A Valentine's Day wallpaper!!! Love Kotori from Da Capo so much! The moment I bought my anime magazine and saw this scan, I was in love with it that I wanted to wall it badly! Did the snows and bench. And for the 1st time, I did my own trees! Yes! I even added the snows onto the branches bit by bit! It was tough work but it paid off! Got featured too!

Yes! The last wall was crap and I somehow and to make myself better by making another! Drew the ribbon and had a tough time placing it around the girl. Also did the background and the sky was tough! So was the clouds! In the end, I got lucky and managed to make a flower bed with a old brush that I had. Added mist, special shine and glitter and there you have it! My best one for now! Got featured at!!! Woo~~~

23TH APR 2006 - BEY0ND O6
First tech looking wallpaper! Wahaha! Mixed the c4d and tech together. Yes... It was nerve wrecking but at the end of the day, I'm glad I made it. Worst I encountered was making that freaking base.

Life sucked so I was bored and made this. Wish I was as free as her though. Made my own butterflies and spend tons of time on the swirling affect on the clouds.

The Melancholy Of Suzumiya Haruhi rocked. So I made a simple wallpaper which looked like a advertisment/CD cover!!!

23TH MAY 2006 - Battle Angel
The release of Demonbane got me interested and I went to check out the Visual Fan Book. Saw this scan and decided to use it. Merged 2 scans together which as a pain. Also redraw and cleaned up alot of parts since the text are all over the place.

1ST JUN 2006 - Battle Angel
Picked Samurai Champloo to wall after watching the baseball episode which was so hilarious. Just love a few parts such as the Americans going F*** Em'! And quotes such as "An eye for an eye, the American way, all the way." LoL! What was really funny was the guys being K.O one after another by Mugen. Found him the most interesting character so decided to make him the main character in the wallpaper

My submission for W.A.R. Had the concept of using photographs being collaged. Its kinna neat but its people that I asked that prefer it this way. Anyways, this anime series is really good, so I would hope you guys would check it out. =)

LoL! Ok~ Never rendered alot so here's some of them anyway..


Yep! That's about it! When I have more work, I'll just post a reply to tell you guys and also to update this 1st post so that it is easier to view everything! =)
You can visit my page at:

Peace Out!!! =)


Aha, so the famous Bj0rn has finally made it!  Welcome!  ^__^

For some reason, I like your 2nd Colorful Wallies sig the most, though all of them look great.  ^v^