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Member Introduction Thread

Started by Pitkin, December 11, 2005, 04:12:02 PM

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casual fan, eh? huhuhuhuuu ^-^

ahem, not that the funny laugh means anything of course.

Welcome, ようこそ, bienvenidos, mabuhay, and all that.

(...although I don't think any Filipinos use "mabuhay" is conversation, but that doesn't matter to anyone, does it?) ^^


Me me!  you promised me Tagalog lessons, remember?  ^o^

Right here in writing...  -v-


lol, I don't think I said anything... XD;

While I am hardly quailified to teach tagalog, I'll be happy to help you translate phrases that people may be saying behind your back... or right in front of you. ^^


(Whoops he got me.... -v-)

*waves white flag*

'kay, that sounds uber swell!  ^v^
Course, we should do this purely "Quid Pro Quo".  I'd hate to take something from you and not give something back....  ^__^

*looks left*  >_>
*looks right*  <_<


*sweatdrops*  And maybe somewhere outside the intro thread...  ^___^'


Hello there. Somewhat new to the site, not new to the OS-tan's.
First saw them on 4chan. I wanted to see/know more, so I searched around and found

I'm 22, live in California, working at Fry's Electronics.
I enjoy anime quite a bit. I play console and pc games.
That's about it, nothing to special about me.
"Life is 90% Maintenance."


welcome OldSkool and Punk!  ;hi


Welcome to both OldSkool and Punk!  

Nice to meet ya!    ;hi


Welcome welcome OldSkool and Punk! :D I hope you like it here ^o^
So cute it\'s deadly!


Greetings and salutations to you, OldSkool and Punk!  It's good to see you here ââ,¬â€ or anywhere, for that matter.


Dive right in!  Post away!  Search all nooks and crannies!  I'm a beginner to this whole OS Girls phenomenon, but we've a number of honest-to-goodness experts in the field; so don't hesitate to ask questions.  Welcome!




Welcome Punk and OldSchool! Have a good time here!


Aw, dude, welcome!

You rock!
I just came back from Fry's! haha Which one do you work at?


Yo Punk!  ^__^

[Why does that sound like something Clint Eastwood would say....?  Ã,¬vÃ,¬']


'Ey Oldskool-san, Punk-san, and welcome to the colourful world of OS-tan Collections! ^__^


QuoteQuote from : OldSkool


Found about os-tans from wikipedia when I was reading the internet phenomena artical and I dunno, it snowballed from there.

Currently balancing work and studing humanities in college.

I like anime, but I'm not an expert. More of a casual fan.

I also like pop culture quirks (see: fark), vegan cooking, cycling, swimming and as the name might suggest, classic gaming (Nintendo fanboy) and computers.

XP-tan and ME-tan are great, but I'd like to see more of the linux-tans,
so much left to be told about them.

I use XP/Ubuntu Linux dual-boot with my main machine and Windows 2000 with my mobile.

Hey! Welcome there! You like cycling?  ;001

Hope to see you more often!  ;010

QuoteQuote from : Punk

Hello there. Somewhat new to the site, not new to the OS-tan's.
First saw them on 4chan. I wanted to see/know more, so I searched around and found

I'm 22, live in California, working at Fry's Electronics.
I enjoy anime quite a bit. I play console and pc games.
That's about it, nothing to special about me.

Welcome too! Hope to see you more often!  ;010


QuoteQuote from : SleepyD

Aw, dude, welcome!

You rock!
I just came back from Fry's! haha Which one do you work at?
The one in San Marcos, CA.
"Life is 90% Maintenance."