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Member Introduction Thread

Started by Pitkin, December 11, 2005, 04:12:02 PM

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Welcome to OSC, Simon! :D

Out of curiosity, how'd you find out about the OS-tans?


Welcome to OSC Simon!  |  Hope you enjoy the forums! :)
Official -tans are my bat signal.


Hello and welcome, Simonorged. :)


Well pretty much new about them already but then I wanted to learn more so I looked at google images and found their names and what they were so.. I guess thats how it happened... plus I was looking for OS-Tan videos and that led me to this site.
Simon was here :P


I'm LeaflameSD, but you can call me Leaf. Probably the youngest OSCer here at 13 years old, living in UK.

I like drawing, video games (mainly retro), watching anime, and... computers (I happen to like older computers a bit) I came across this site when I just learnt about the OS-tans- wonderful characters, they are-, and after a while I decided to join here. Not much to say here other than I wish to enjoy my stay ^^

Glad to be here, hope to make some friends, and well... that's it really.


Welcome aboard Leaf, please make yourself at home by checking out the various threads here~ ^^

I'm also a huge fan of retrocomputers, especially pre-1980s mainframes and minicomputers. If you don't mind me asking, have you got any favorite vintage computers or operating systems? And do you have any favorite OS-tans yet? :)


Probably 2000/XP.

Wouldn't say they're /vintage/ but I have a Dell Optiplex GX110 and a Dell Optiplex 150. 110 is running 98SE, and 150 is running 2000. Also I kinda like the 98/98SE OS-tans (partly because they're cute). Thank you for the warm welcome, Bella.


Nice choice, I quite like 98 and 98SE-tan too.

Not a problem, I hope you like it here. ^^


Welcome aboard, Leafbro. This is the local technoviking/demon overlord speaking.

While these days I've cooled off a lot of my interest in OSes that are "in the public eye" so to speak, I'm mostly fascinated by obscure and secret tech like the russian doomsday machine Mertvaya Ruka. Being mainly an author I favor characters with strong characterization, so my personal favorites out of the "old guard" would probably be Leopard; alongside Visbou, just because she's such a master troll.


Dude, (Snow) Leopard-tan is probably my favorite vaguely-canonish OS-tan too. Echoing your sentiments about obscure OS-tans too, it's hard for me to pick favorites but Multics, SAGE, LINC, PDP-8, MTS, VMS, Cray-1 and Apple /// are of great interest to me~



guten abend. i'm choco (or kari, whichever you prefer), and currently reside in cave-like locations in new england, USA. it's great to meet you, you're gonna fit in fine. i happen to be an art student so if you post something, i'll critique it if you ask. (but only if you're ready. my first critiques made me want to stab the paper. ;^; )
i'm loud and friendly and like to bake things. the oldest (functioning) computer i own is probably that random imac i found on someone's lawn. i named him quincey and he has as much space as my ipod. :3 (my oldest non-functioning computer is a desktop named Timmy that i plan to put 95 on when i can find the time to fix him up.)
if you have a skype or AIM or facebook or twitter or MSN, most of us here do, too. (i have the first 4.) :3

also, quick note, things that we avoid talking about because they quickly turn ugly:

religion (outside of "i worship the great pumpkin")
politics (outside of "i voted for stalin")
windows 8 (outside of "i like/dislike it")
superiority/inferiority of a certain OS/program/etc (but frankly, not talking about that is just common sense)
and don't question some people's knowledge bases here. after all, if we're sure about something, chances are we've devoted our free time to studying it. like me with manga/anime history and theory, and OS-kuns, and bella with vintage computers.

i'm looking forward to you being here. please stick around! ^^
click to make it bigger


Welcome aboard, Leaf. I also happen to like the Sonic the Hedgehog games; with Sonic 3 & Knuckles being my favorite ^^

I also have myself a nice fleet of computers; ranging from the ancient 486 that was used for bookkeeping at my grandpa's hardware store (Which I've pushed it to the limits by actually logging into this site from it and posting) on up to the high-end gaming PC I built nearly two years ago (Which I lovingly named after my favorite of the canon OS-tans; 2k-tan), with a trio of Macs and an Amiga 500 rounding it out.

Hope you stick around and enjoy the site ^^


Welcome around, LeaflameSD. :) I'm the local angry yeller. Mostly harmless, though.

For what was mentioned before, I'd insist all topics are allowed, but respectful attitude is a good thing to keep. It's easily forgotten. Also, remember source critique. Very important thing, it is.

Hope you enjoy your stay.


Hey Y'all... Ponxo here, Well, according to my Id I am Alfonso_Rd_30 Original, Ain't it? Anyways, I have been "Bullyed" into coming here (To this topic, not the forum) and I'm a relatively newbie in OS-Tan (And GS-tan)  land...

The reason of my bullying is that I'm not really too comfortable talking about myself...

Well, I'm a Soccer loving Geek whose first PC was a Compaq Presario 5423 and his first (and only)  Gaming console was a Nintendo NES (the first in my city)

Obviously my Favorite OS-Tan Would be 98 SE (sechan if I'm not mistaken)but I've known and wrked with 3.11-Sama Me-tan XP, Vis-Tan, and now I have Myself a Madobe to luv...


Welcome aboard. I admit, it took me some time to get comfortable enough to talk about myself on here, so I know the feeling ^^;