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Member Introduction Thread

Started by Pitkin, December 11, 2005, 04:12:02 PM

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Quote from: CaptBrenden on December 19, 2011, 08:37:45 PM
Quote from: Chocofreak13 on December 19, 2011, 06:02:37 PM
@captian: i panicked when you came back since i was afraid of you when i was young here.

then i remembered you weren't a mod anymore, and realized i had about double the posts you do. and i got over it. xDD

@tsubashi: i don't remember you posting when i got here. i remember, because i found your comic in the gallery and thought, "wow, i really wish i could talk to this person about their art. they're really good. :3"

Oh I think your misunderstanding who Tsu is,  those comics were made by someone else. They also made icons for alot of members back in the day, then c-chan kinda copied the style for some stuff.  Tsu was an admin here as I was a mod

You're thinking of InfinityZero.... I'm almost certain Kari is referring to Thurosis, since his username also starts with a T, and he's the only one at OSC who uploaded an ongoing comic series (besides me and Aurora).



that said, i remember you being pretty intimidating back in the day. not to offend, but it was a huge relief when you took a break. let me come into my own around here without pressure.

that said, i'm a lot more comfy in my position around here than back then. if it weren't for the picbomb i had been preparing going out, i'd have the top position as gallery uploader. xD and i'm willing to bet the majority of my posts are outside the games forum. if you don't agree, i'm willing to revive the os-tan theory thread.

i might do that anyway, given that there's new people to talk with about it.

(really? tsubashi didn't make those? i thought they were in his/her personal gallery....)

@bella: yeah! i was thinking of him/her. thanks for that, i haven't seen those comics in 3 years, so i was a little hazy. ^^;
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Christ, I've been gone so long, I may need to reintroduce myself.  >.>
  Fear the power....of my spinning bee army! 


Welcome! I think you'll find there are still some familiar faces around here, so make yourself at home ^_^


Quote from: JamesBurr on December 29, 2011, 04:31:28 AM
Christ, I've been gone so long, I may need to reintroduce myself.  >.>

Not gonna lie, I don't recall you, but I remember your signature... I think...

Anyway, welcome back! : )


you avatar seems eeriely familiar. that said, welcome back, even if we've never met. :3
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Hello. Im Dustii Wolf.

I like animes, mangas, and (of course) OS-Tans.

Im a avid fan of Windows 8 (Ive used Developer, Consumer, AND release preview)

I like my computer, and am extatic about windows 8 upgrade this october 26 (which i get for $15 since my ultraportable is new c:)
My most FAVORITE song, video, and os-tan related item.c:
Official -tans are my bat signal.


heh, thanks for reminding me. that one's not on the playlist yet. though i listened to the song on the way home yesterday. -w-

with that in mind, i wouldn't mention your devotion to the Win 8 OS much here. the only 8 love here is for the -tan. >>;;

what sort of anime and manga do you like? (those words are singular and plural, btw. don't mind me, i'm just a grammar nazi. i can't turn it off. ^^;;; )

looking forward to seeing you around the forum, dustii. don't limit yourself to one section, either. we love having new members around here. i'm kari, and you can call me either kari or choco. ^^

EDIT: oh yeah, dustii, do you have any instant messengers? the IM of choice here appears to be skype. :3
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Welcome aboard Dustii~

I'm not a fan of Windows 8 personally, but i'll support you because I'm fond of other un(der)appriciated OSes, like Vista. (Annnnnd Multics and CTSS and OpenVMS, I'm quite the retrocomputer / niche-system fan). :P


Welcome :3

I like your designs. They're quite nice :3


Hehe. guess im one of the few Windows 8 fans then.. ;w;"

@Kari - I like Lucky Star (Anime), Okami-san & her 7 companions (Anime), Megaman NT Warrior (Anime & Manga), Puella Magi Madoka Magica (Anime), Haruhi Suzumiya (The series, "Melancholy of"; Movie "Disappearance of"; Gag-Manga "The Melancholy of Suzumiya: Haruhi-chan"), Inuyasha (Anime).

@Bella - i actually read Vista was a great OS on higher end pc's and bootcamped macbooks. it just was a bit of a resource hog and didn't work well on your lower end "consumer" pc's. And that's cool you like older OSes.

@PentiumMX - thanks! ^^
Official -tans are my bat signal.


Right you are, most of the Vista hate originated from MS shoehorning it onto hardware that couldn't handle it. When it's actually run on hardware with the right specs, it tends to work quite well. (Thanks, old computers are a pretty big passion of mine. :D)

You're a fan of Madoka Magica AND Haruhi? You're gonna fit in just fine. 8)


Yep. *giggles* id buy ALL the Haruhi-chan manga in the nook store if i could afford it. i only own 4 of them.
and i can watch Madoka Magica for free using Crackle. c:
Official -tans are my bat signal.


i was never a fan of vista, but that was likely due to the issue you just mentioned; microsoft shoving a square peg into a cheaper round hole. the 'family' computer in the basement still runs it, but it was a very early vista PC, and when i was using it i actually got used to it crashing. it was odd if it didn't crash before startup, actually. >>;

you know, it's been awhile since we've had a new member. i'm gonna properly introduce myself. -w-

Name: Kari (answers to Kari or Choco)
Age: College-age
Location: a cave in new england
Occupation: student/public nuisance/resident tsundere/grammar nazi/comic artist/OSC site harvester
Favourite Colour:
Favourite Foods: Pizza, Chocolate, Coca-Cola (i drink at least 3 of these a day), Pasta, Banquet Frozen Dinners
Favourite Number: Free/13
Favourite Anime: One Piece/Naruto/Big O (occasionally others, i watch plenty of others as well)
Favourite Manga: Reborn!/Me and My Brothers/Kare First Love/Yaoi (i own over 400 volumes of various manga)
Favourite Song: I Won't Be There/Burnin' For You (by Simple Plan and Blue Öyster Cult respectively)
Favourite Movie: anything Miyazaki/anything Burton/The Boondock Saints/Edward Scissorhands/Ferris Bueler's Day Off
Favourite TV Show: Law and Order: Special Victims Unit (i can recite the opening by heart), Doctor Who
OS of Choice: XP or 7, though i have a laptop with 98SE that i use on occasion too. i'm not very fond of macs (though the two i have are valued, loved member of the family), Vista, or 8.
Computers: 8 (counting Gothpod, my ipod); 7 mine; 2 paid for
Interests (in no particular order): anime, manga, listening to music, art, sleeping, cooking/baking, singing, writing (on occasion, except comics, which occurs 90% of the time), computers, japanese culture, sewing, video games, Ball-Jointed Dolls, tabletop RPGs, the internet, metalwork (though this is mostly past), reading (manga or otherwise), history
Random Facts About Me:
~I collect manga, anime plushies, snowglobes, hats, and paper umbrellas
   ~I have over 400 volumes of manga and over 30 (pushing 40) anime plushies
      ~I also collect Ball-Jointed Dolls, though the collection is still smallish (big in some respects actually, i have 5 1/6 scale dolls and working on a 6th)
~I have over 14k songs in my music library, mostly in japanese, korean, and, to a slightly lesser extent, english
~I'm a 3rd year Art Student aiming for a bachelor's in Illustration, hoping to make comics
   ~I'm hoping to have a webcomic up within a month and a half
~I'm quite the raving weirdo
   ~This includes posting in various colours to protest people trying to regulate how i type, eating a picture of Drew Carey, and doing the dishes at 4am
~In some respects, i'm OSC's historian
   ~only because i was part of an older fansite and pay attention to the canon, resulting in me being able to tell you who loves XP-tan and who WE-tan represents.

everyone else should introduce themselves too. -w-
click to make it bigger


Welcome DustiiWolf. Nice to see another talented artist around (me, I cannot draw a stick figure without mould). :)

I'll follow Chocofreak's example and introduce myself.

Name: Pitkin, PipPitkin and derivatives, but I also respond to "hey you" but again not when followed by "you owe me".
Age: Old enough.
Location: Third floor in a small block of flats with the hardest possible adress (that's just terrible for pizza deliveries) in all Besançon, Franche-Comté, France.
Occupation: Forum freeloader, stay-at-home fanatic of proper spelling, grammar and trivial facts.
Languages spoken fluently: Finnish, English, French.
To a lesser extent: Swedish, German, Japanese.
Areas of interest: Languages, writing, politics, human rights, cultural geography, national flags now and before, history, computer and board games.
To a lesser extent: Anime, manga, sports.


  • OS-tans: Amiga-tan, Win2k-tan, OS9-tan.
  • Current OS: Windows 7, Linux Mint.
  • OS from before: Fedora Core 6 (xfce).
  • Fedora-Tan: The one that lives with me.
  • Board games: Galaxy Trucker, Space Alert, The Pillars of Earth, Dungeon Lords, The Republic of Rome, quiz games in general.
  • Computer games: The Great Giana Sisters, The Last Ninja 2, Arcanum, LucasArts and Sierra point-and-click games, Phantasmagoria, Bust-a-Move 3 DX, Jagged Alliance, Diablo 2, Path of Exile.
  • Console games: Megamans 1 and 2, Anticipation, Bubble Bobble, Super Marios 2, 3 and Galaxy.
  • Historical flag: Republic of Tripolitania, early 1920s.
  • Movies: The Shawshank Redemption, The Blues Brothers, The Rocky Horror Picture Show, Indiana Jones 1 and 3, Porco Rosso, From Up the Poppy Hill, Castle of Cagliostro.
  • Anime series: Magic Knight Rayearth, Chrno Crusade.
  • Online comics:, KhaosKomix, Scandinavia and the World.
  • Time to end the favourites list: Now.
Likes food: True.
Likes sleep: True.
Returns false: ###########
Forgot to mention Douglas Adams: True.
Has more to add for now: False.