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Member Introduction Thread

Started by Pitkin, December 11, 2005, 04:12:02 PM

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QuoteHola Kotoko.m! Como esta tu?

Just "Como estas?" will do.  ^.^
"Como esta usted?" if you wanna sound more formal (like -sama in lieu of -san).

Want a colloquialism, try "Quiebole Kotoko!"  ^__^
Hehehe... -v-

Quotewowzers that's a lot of languages. I know english, I can understand Tagalog and speak it to a certain degree, I know a few scraps of spanish from 3 years of classes that never really helped, and random Japanese phrases.

You will find that C-Chan here tends to utter these Japanese phrases quite often. ^^

And all those hobbies... where do you find the time? Or is it cuz I'm a lazy procrastinator? XD;;

Well, anyway,
Welcome Kotoko! Enjoy your stay!

(You don't happen to listen to KOTOKO, do ya? ^^)

Please teach me Tagalog.  ^__^
Wanna make sure my Filipino neighbors aren't insulting me behind my back.... ^.^;
(At least they know where to buy nice pickled mangos.... -v-)

QuoteYou will find that C-Chan here tends to utter these Japanese phrases quite often. ^^

Hey now, trying to practice here!  ^0^
Speaking of which, y'all know what my location is supposed to mean?  ^__^

My signature is a big hint.... -v-

QuoteAnd all those hobbies... where do you find the time? Or is it cuz I'm a lazy procrastinator? XD;

Begone procrastination!  ^0^

*slashes whip*

There!  Drove your procastination away!  ^-^

Now you can finish your homework, right up all your papers, and study for exams six week in advance all by the end of tonight!  ^v^

So that leaves all of tomorrow night free for OS/2-tan!!  ^V^
WOOHOO!!  You're the bestest, SleepyD!  ^.^

(hehe,... just kiddin.... ^__^
I mean about OS/2, not that your the "bestest" of course.  We all know youl are... ^v^')


Welcome to all the new members!
*waves flag*

QuoteSo that leaves all of tomorrow night free for OS/2-tan!! ^V^
WOOHOO!! You're the bestest, SleepyD! ^.^

I think that out of all your characters, C-Chan, I like OS/2-tan is the best!


I finished Love Hina episodes 1-24! In an ironic twist, worthy of Sophocles himself (not really), I do remember a girl from my past who I had a crush on! Now get this:

She had a crush on me!

Freaky, no?

As for any promises and juicy details, that'll be covered in another episode of:

The NewYinzer Chronicles

See yinz tomorrow! Same time, same place, same forum!


Aha, you just finished Love Hina?  ^__^
Yeah, that was a nice series (and Musumi's the best!  ^v^), but it's get a little samey after a while... -v-'
The opening reminds me of gameshow music too.  ^.^'

And thank you, I hope to draw more OS/2 eventually.  ^v^
Have planned a portraiture with all the Anti$oft Coalition members, including eCommStation-tan.  ^.^

In the meantime....

*sits patiently for NewYinzer Chronicles*


Welcome to OS-tan Collections, Kotoko-san! Another Danish person to add to my online contacts list. ^__^

Wow, I'd like to study Chinese myself... your Japanese skills will naturally be much appreciated here eventually when the translation thread begins to move again. :D Do post more, please. ^__^

Oh, and Otohime-san's indeed a wonderful person in Love Hina; beats all the rest hands down, in my opinion. ^^


Aaaa hai Love Hina is such a great anime and manga!
I have the whole anime and the whole manga  ;012

About which OS-tan I use IRL, it is XP Pro. But aww come on... She's cute too, ne?  ;010

And yea, as a matter of fact I DO listen to KOTOKO, but well... It's not because of her that I have this nick...
I got my nickname because I once really loved Kotoko from the Chobits anime/manga.
Okay... When I think about it, I actually sometimes cosplay her and such things ^^;; It may look a little wierd from other peoples point of view, but what the hell... That only makes it even more fun xD
~ Kotoko


A moot point considering the nature of the forum dwellers, but just in case someone here doesn't know who the Chobits Kotoko is.... -v-

Yeah, I can definitely picture you as Kotoko.  ^v^
Like I said, "sharp".  ^.^


Lol so kotoko.m is a little laptop persecom?  ;013


From the pictures she looks normal sized.  But it could be the perspective of course. :P

Coincidentally, a female aquaintance of mine also likes Chobits-Kotoko and goes by that nick on the internet.  But since I've seen your picture, I know she's not stalking me now.   ;013


she looks big but she's about the size of a doll (ie. Laptop) but yeah this isn't the board for this disscusion


QuoteOh, and Otohime-san's indeed a wonderful person in Love Hina; beats all the rest hands down, in my opinion. ^^

Heck yeah! Somehow, you guessed my favorite character!

QuoteCoincidentally, a female aquaintance of mine also likes Chobits-Kotoko and goes by that nick on the internet. But since I've seen your picture, I know she's not stalking me now.

That would be a little too ironic for me...

*theme music*

The NewYinzer Chronicles

In the last episode, NewYinzer revealed the first crush of his life, when he was only 4 years old! In tonight's episode, he reveals the rest of the story!
Well, after that it gets hazy. I had got a bad ear infection at that time, and I would not return to preschool for several days. She would leave sometime later, and my life returned to normal. How could it not when there were some great toys to play with and places to explore? However, that early love has not helped things today. Yinzer has realized that high school girls actually go for jocks instead of nerds. However, why do nerds get lucky in manga?

The answer is simple: The Japanese know their market. It makes otaku feel better to know that love may come their way with some waiting! You sell more manga that way!

*ending music*

And we conclude another episode of the:

NewYinzer Chronicles


QuoteQuote from : kotoko.m

Eto... Konnichiwa^^
I'm Lisbeth Mortensen from Denmark and I'm 15 - almost 16 years old.
You can call me Kotoko for short.

Here's how I look:
Not very good, but it could be worse...

Umm anyway... I love OS-tans! Personally, I'm most like ME-tan^^;;
My favourites are: 95-tan, XP 64-Bit Edition, Firefox-tan, MSN-tan and ME-tan.

My other hobbies: kendo, manga, anime, computers, learning languages and so on.
Languages I speak:
1. Danish
2. English
3. Japanese
4. German
5. Norweigan
6. Chinese
Im not very good at german and chinese yet though.

Anyway nice to meet ya' all  ;012


You speaking several languages is the way, you could help some people around translating some comics :)

Hope to see you more often too!  ;010


QuoteYou speaking several languages is the way, you could help some people around translating some comics  

A little espionage work wouldn't hurt either,...

...although we'd have to come up with ways to help out or at least compensate for any excessive time commitment.  -v-



Found about os-tans from wikipedia when I was reading the internet phenomena artical and I dunno, it snowballed from there.

Currently balancing work and studing humanities in college.

I like anime, but I'm not an expert. More of a casual fan.

I also like pop culture quirks (see: fark), vegan cooking, cycling, swimming and as the name might suggest, classic gaming (Nintendo fanboy) and computers.

XP-tan and ME-tan are great, but I'd like to see more of the linux-tans,
so much left to be told about them.

I use XP/Ubuntu Linux dual-boot with my main machine and Windows 2000 with my mobile.


Indeed there is no school like "OldSkool".  ^__^

Welcome to our forum, oh valiant supporter of the Linux Consortium!  ^.^

Funny how I too became aware of the OS-tan Phenomenon through Wiki.  If not for Wikipe-chan, I'd still be missing out on the action.  ^__^'


Welcome OldSkool! Good to have a partial anime fan here! Feel free to post on the forums, view the gallery, and download stuff from the downloads section!