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Member Introduction Thread

Started by Pitkin, December 11, 2005, 04:12:02 PM

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Indeed, it may not be a pitchfork, but...
*fetches Mjölner from closet*
Imma just stand here with my hammer of godly thunder and wait.


*picks up beatin' stick* with ya, master.
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I was here first.  With a halberd.  Specifically, this halberd.

They're annoying like whoa.


me thinks we're going to get about 1 new regular a year.

let's hope we don't start losing them at that rate too. :\

and yes you were here first, we're just here for backup. xD
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I'm just here for standing here with mah hammer o' thunder. I said that, didn't I? -w-


yes, yes, i'm just here for backup. :3
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Hi! I'm Jame. I've just visited this forum. Happy to get acquainted with you. Thank

Hi. I used to advertise here. Now I'm banned.


Props to the mod who keeps giving our spammer friends hilarious signatures. :3


nice. part of me wants to start submitting potential signatures for banned spambots. xD
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Quote from: "CaptBrenden"
Righto.  The captain here.  In not really a captain, thats a screenname ive been using for years since my highschool days of playing minatures games.   Im actually a artist/photographer in training and a US Marine.  Im stationed in california near San Diego, but Im originaly from Montana, Colorado, and Washington state (I moved alot as a kid)

Im interested in alot of stuff, from anime and manga, or any art for that matter.  For new members or guests, Im also the artist for our own flegling manga/comic here on OS Tan Collections.

edit: I'm a moron who stole a post. I regret deeply. I've now added credits to the author. Punish me. Deep.

Aurora Borealis


Quote from: "Idaline"Righto.  The captain here.  In not really a captain, thats a screenname ive been using for years since my highschool days of playing minatures games.   Im actually a artist/photographer in training and a US Marine.  Im stationed in california near San Diego, but Im originaly from Montana, Colorado, and Washington state (I moved alot as a kid)

Im interested in alot of stuff, from anime and manga, or any art for that matter.  For new members or guests, Im also the artist for our own flegling manga/comic here on OS Tan Collections.

Red_Machine: Flouting the Windows Lifecycle Policy since 1989!

Aurora Borealis

Yeah. The dead giveaway was the last paragraph, it's so out-of-place!


how dare they claim that THEY'RE the artist for the site's comic, that's so arrogant and assuming! >:[

besides, we're all artists. >__<;
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Aurora Borealis

That was copied from the Captain's introduction post, back in '05, when working on the first OS-tan comics to originate here.