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Member Introduction Thread

Started by Pitkin, December 11, 2005, 04:12:02 PM

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Frankly, there's not much I have to contribute.  I have very little experience in modern Windows programming, I'd have to read up on all sorts of things.   I did some basic assembly programming back in those (Amiga/DOS PC) days , that's about it.



Well, I don't know about that. :p  I have friends that were way ahead of me in that department, they're still at it to this day.


GO AMIGA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  ^V^

That's a thought, Pink Sugar Golden Heart Neko....  -v-

Why not just develop a vintage-style operating system first?

May not look cool at first, but at least you can get a product rolling much quicker than if you started off with an uber-classy GUI like the one in your screen caps.  And there's plenty of nostalgic people that wouldn't mind the classic look.  ^__^


Well. I was just going for something original. Not flashy. >.>

its just a default theme. I am making a Sky blue one right now. I might do something classic though.


Classic....  ^.^

Anyways, I guess that's about the last I can add to the Members Introduction thread.  ^__^
If you guys need anything, I'll be at the Annex...  -v-

*trots off*


Well I've been considered a 'lerker' for awhile not but I guess I should make my introduction at the very least since there is a forum for it.

I'm Viper and pleased to met you all.

I'm an anime/manga type of person.  I'm deeply into computer related stuff and currently in college... and thats about as much detail that your going to figure out about me...

... and maybe I love 98-tan the most.

I'll be around... in the shadows watching.


Welcome FFViper! Welcome from those not in the shadows!


welcome to FFViper! i'm newer than you but still...  ;010


I know I've seen that name at the bottom at one point!

Welcome, lurker!

...when you stop lurking and join in the insanity, I'm sure you'll enjoy!

Good luck and keep your sanity. ^^

(What is that supposed to mean, you all ask? I don't know Jeff had the urge to say it. hehe)



I'm a forum RPGer in a forum far far away.  I lost my sanity many years ago.  XD.


Right then.

You'll feel right at home then. ^^


Indeed!  Now for an avatar... found.

Only four choices for 98-tan?  ...


welcome to the crazy place  ;hi


This is sane compared to where I come from.  Sanity though has become a stranger too me.  Oh 98-tan!  *runs off into the deep abyss of the forums*