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Member Introduction Thread

Started by Pitkin, December 11, 2005, 04:12:02 PM

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This is no time for loli-gagging!
Welcome new people, stay away from the hentai section  ;270
What's in your hand, back at me. I have it, it's an oyster with two figures of your favorite Touhou characters. Look again, the figures are now vials of the Hourai Elixir. Anything is possible when your waifu smells like Old World and not a man. I'm a frog.

OS Freak

Why you say that? It'a a nice section. I haven't even asked for approval to go there, imagine. Hehe but not everyone is looking for that section. *looks at all sides to see if anyone falls for the trap.*
Death as come. 2K Chan has but killed in extended Support. She has finally become Unsupported She is finally fully rejected by her Birth company. It\'s so sad...


click to make it bigger

OS Freak

Yes! Muaahahahaha. I trapped someone. *Takes her to the interrogation room* -So Miss, what were you doin there? Talk! I have proof. I have videos, recordings and witnesses. And this low quality printed picture too  ;018 ...-
Death as come. 2K Chan has but killed in extended Support. She has finally become Unsupported She is finally fully rejected by her Birth company. It\'s so sad...


It's called the hentai section but theirs a surprisingly lack of os-tan hentai or any hentai in general -w-. Not that a classy man like myself would ever go to a degraded place like that.

Anyways greetzzz to the new blood for the meat grinder ;D.

Hidden Quest: Derail this topic
Successfully derail this topic to earn 40 exp points, 4 gold coins, a rusty dagger and possibly the ire of a moderator.

Them be the Velvets. They are made of Velvets and Megidolaon.


oh dear, a little part of me wishes we had no hentai section, no matter how pretty. so many people sign up just for the hentai. >___<
click to make it bigger


Hello. The name's Richard, and I saw this little (pah!) thread here and thought I should somewhat introduce myself.

I'm 19 years, 6 months of age. I live in a small village on the outskirts of Chichester, West Sussex within England.

I'm currently starting my own business in Chichester itself, for repairing and upgrading computers, as well as a general retail supplier of computer parts.

I have 3 years of educational experience under my belt with computers and 10 years prior of personal experience, totalling 13 years. Yes, I have been around computers since I was 6 years old. I was, and still am completely intrigued by them, and pretty much all else.

I own four desktop computers and two laptops, and each computer seems to run a different O/S than the next. I dual boot Linux with Vista on the PC I am currently using. I use Vista 64 bit on the big fllipper of a computer from MESH, XP Media Center on the simple computer and Windows ME on the old computer.

On the laptops I am running XP on the older styled one, and Vista on the newer one.

I also own a Nintendo Wii and Xbox 360 (Without hard drive, so no Live). and own very few Wii games. (Only had the Wii for about 6 months) and own many 360/Xbox games as well. (Owned the 360 for 3 years now).

I'm a major fan of the Metroid and Zelda series games, and a minor fan of Sonic and Mario.

I also like many other series games, and find myself as one saying, "No matter how bad so'n'so is, I'm still getting it and playing it." with certain games of genre's I love, and of series. For example, I'm a MAJOR RTS fan, and find myself liking ANY RTS game I come across, no matter how bad. As long as it has Resource management and Army management, with simple controls, I'll enjoy it. You'll find I majorly like and defend the CnC franchise, if you ever get me in such a debate with it.

There are some RPG's I like too, but they are few and far between. One is the Jade Empire RPG, made by Bioware, and another, by the same company, the Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy,

The rest are even more few and far between.

I find myself recently enchanted by the OS-Tan girls, and have been looking for several backgrounds for each computer I own, and happened to stumble upon this website/forum and decided "What the heck, I'm minus one forum since it grew old on me, so why not?"

So, hello all again, and I hope to become a somewhat valued member of this community.


Introductions that are actual introductions, like this one, present in this thread could most likely be counted on one hand.

Maybe. I'm not entirely sure.

In any case, welcome, parts store guy, and hope your business does well in the future (or something).

The /osc/ user currency's value shifts in proportion to the amount of posts the user has made, and the amount of lolis the user has/is supposed to/claims to have. You have currently made 1 post, and have no confirmed lolis as of yet. 1 loli is offered to each member upon joining (yours is here). Your current value is 1 loli, 1 post, which gives you a not quite valued but at least measurable value of 1:1 Mauu. I hope this introduction to /osc/ economy was as valuable to you as I am, and seeing as I possess over 9000 posts and an untold amount of lolis, this had better be so (or I will proceed to eat you alive after running you over with a tree) for your own safety.

Enjoy your stay. ´v`


Quote from: "NejinOniwa"snip(yours is here)snip
Oh lovely, a 403 if that man doesn't have a registered danbooru account. How thoughtful!
What's in your hand, back at me. I have it, it's an oyster with two figures of your favorite Touhou characters. Look again, the figures are now vials of the Hourai Elixir. Anything is possible when your waifu smells like Old World and not a man. I'm a frog.


One that does not is not deserving of the privilege of loli. ´A`


Oh hi
my name is Dick, I'm kind of a japanophile and I use GNU/Linux.

I usually have an OStan wallpaper, and because I switch distros about once every two months I need a centralized location.

I'm not much of an artist, but I think I will enjoy myself here


QuoteOh lovely, a 403 if that man doesn't have a registered danbooru account. How thoughtful!
You don't actually need an account. Just copy paste the link into your browser, danbooru just doesn't play nice with hotlinking.

One that does not is not deserving of the privilege of loli. ´A`
True That *Hugs his Lolis*.

And greetzZzz to u d4m4s74. I'll just call u Dick because it uses less effort *Lazy to the Max*. Don't be afraid to show your stuff now. We ocs-ers don't bite, although we'll probably growl at the sight of a loli but that's completely normal (^__^).

Although Xeon is sad no one has attempted his hidden questline T__T

Them be the Velvets. They are made of Velvets and Megidolaon.


What's in your hand, back at me. I have it, it's an oyster with two figures of your favorite Touhou characters. Look again, the figures are now vials of the Hourai Elixir. Anything is possible when your waifu smells like Old World and not a man. I'm a frog.


Wait, we got a loli upon joining?


QuoteOh hi
my name is Dick, I'm kind of a japanophile and I use GNU/Linux.

I usually have an OStan wallpaper, and because I switch distros about once every two months I need a centralized location.

I'm not much of an artist, but I think I will enjoy myself here

We love our Linux users and amateur artists here, feel right at home. ^____^