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Member Introduction Thread

Started by Pitkin, December 11, 2005, 04:12:02 PM

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OS Freak

I'm with you. Toki seemed in longer vacation.
Death as come. 2K Chan has but killed in extended Support. She has finally become Unsupported She is finally fully rejected by her Birth company. It\'s so sad...


Yeah, you were gone for aaaaaaaaages.... ^_^
I dont tell you how to tell me what to do, so dont tell me how to do what you tell me to do... Bender the Great) :/
[Img disabled by Fedora-Tan]
Thanks Fedora-sama
Homer no function beer well without (Homer Simpson) ^_^



you WERE gone for longer than 2 months, Ms. Moe. i'd guess 3 or 4.

oh, and hello to you new member partibmn. it's good to have new people. :3

it's sad how many people have left. let's see.....
capitan brenden, odin yggdrasil, exa, fabian n, infinity zero, silentbob, thurosis, nekOsaka, gummster, siya, dr. mario, rdhdtwns, gussy keniji, red_machine, Alex S, kiso, icerain, congee.

try that on for size. ;]
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Whoa, there, Choco...
Dr Mario is still active on the forum, but mainly (or should i say exclusively) on the "Computer tech blog" thread...

And i could've sworn i did see Red_Machine not too long ago...
I dont tell you how to tell me what to do, so dont tell me how to do what you tell me to do... Bender the Great) :/
[Img disabled by Fedora-Tan]
Thanks Fedora-sama
Homer no function beer well without (Homer Simpson) ^_^


WOW THAT LONG REALLY?! I really should get more sleep @-@

Hyuu. Sometimes the capn says hello to me but I wonder why we never see capn on the forums...

Oh well... I hope there are new people to meet!


Well, there are some new member, but not all of them are actually active.
About the missing member, can't forget Vaereth. Vae chan has gone missing since she last say that she have done her exam.
While for myself, the are only a few thing that can stop me from posting. To name them, Bad connection, Black out and my job. Not even death can held me long enough. (If anyone remember, ever since I joined this forum, I have danced with death at least twice ;013 )
--- When it\'s worth doing, it\'s worth overdoing it ---


well, smokey, that knocks 2 out of the park. (sorry, i DID go a bit overboard. ^^; i'm just curious.)

capitan hasn't really been around the main forums since i showed up. ^^; i think i saw her on the forum index once....i think she had a post in the hentai forum. that's all she seems to do, anyway. :\ (at least from what i've seen of her work)

i asked about congee because s/he has only 12 posts, but is one of the forum uploaders. s/he has uploaded quite a bit, actually.

i miss vae, and cockle. where did they go...? (and i could have visited cockle in person too...... ;___; )
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Cockle paid a visit to the H-section about a week ago, but then disappeared.  The last Vae-chan posted, she was talking about a test she had taken and then well... *POOF*.
Capt, well she hasn't been seen since a loooong time ago.

Oh and if you look at the bottom of the page, Choco, you can see a list of recent visitors.  That list actually includes some people you listed as missing (Red_Machine, for example).

Oh and chances are, if a member has just over ten posts, they were probably only here for one thing.  Congee would be the exception to this rule, however, as he is here to contribute which is appreciated.

EDIT:  Anyone notice how the mascot thread died as well?

The Choice of a New Generation.


hmm, yeah. that dies a long time ago; i peg it as one of those things that just wan't meant to be. no one could agree on a mascot, so perhaps it's better to leave it along, lest we end up with a ridiculous number, as with the many, MANY vistans.

we're a tad OT with that one.
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I think that might be it! Alot of people didn't join the forum to make friends... they joined to talk about OS-tan. And after they're here for a while they run out of OS-tan things to say. So thats why they aren't as active.


Well, when a poster arrives at around 10 posts and just drops off the active list, it doesn't take much to figure out what they were after.  Not that that's too big a deal, but it would be nice if there were more active posters.  Cockle and Vae were great candidates for active posters, but for some reason, haven't been active in quite some time.  Just about everyone drops off briefly under mysterious conditions.  I was actually planning another trip to Austin this year, so I might've been gone myself, but things don't seem to be working out so meh.

The Choice of a New Generation.

Aurora Borealis

When it comes to OS-tan fans, there are three distinct kinds:

1. The most common: Those that are/were here only for the hentai and usually leave soon after without contributing anything.

2. Those who like to talk about the OS-tans and draw them. Usually interested mainly in the canon characters but may also be interested in the others as well.

3. Taking the second category further are the hardcore OS-tan fans who not only draw and talk about the OS-tans but also reguarly draw new characters, contributing backstories into the 'OS-tan expanded universe', game projects and such.

This place is still fairly active but most active in the general chat.


I guess I would fall into a fourth category of "only ever posts in general chat" ^^;.

The Choice of a New Generation.


^^ i'd fall somewhere between 2 and 3, as i currently own a self-generated OS-tan pencil case. ^^

was also in the works of making an os-tan themed notebook, but had to shelf the project due to lack of ink.
almost got SOOPER ambitious and made an os-tan day planner. but that was getting unrealistic. :]

it's tragic, actually. there's always new stuff being dug up by us, so the topic of os-tan doesn't really get boring that quick....

the "mysterious circumstances" is what gets to me....
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Alex S

I'd also fall between 2 and 3, as I was the one who, as far as I know, had the idea for the calcu-tans.

I also am partly 1, because I don't post very often.