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Member Introduction Thread

Started by Pitkin, December 11, 2005, 04:12:02 PM

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Demon Overlord welcomes you to his humble abode of this /osc/, Friendkiller.

Short version: OS-Tans began with the personification of WinME on 2ch, and the rest of the contemporary windows' followed suit quite shortly - this was approx. 2001-2002, when WinXP was newly released and competing with 2k for the market. Due to the high amount of old OS'es on the market, the older cast got quite much attention as well (up to 3.1-tan). This is just pulled out of my ass, and I don't think we have a good thread for this, but I guess you could check out the /osc/ wiki or the OS-Tan page on Wikipedia.

Added after 5 minutes:

Both are pretty outdated, though, a second quick look gives -w-;

Well, our wiki is probably the most proper on this part, so yeah.


I welcome all future lurkers.

Also, Everyone knows that ME-chan willed herself into existance, got lonely and began willing the others, amid errors and freezing up, so she may have sisters.

We are all sisters in ME-chan. all hail the mighty Blue screen of death.
Sergent General\'s Warning: This person could be unhealthy to your peace of mind and has proven to create deformities in unborn children. Do not use this person if you are under 18, pregnant or could become pregnant. Do not offend while under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Always use a condom.


All Hail Death.

Yes, that sounds like a fancy chant.



Lol, talk about OT... Well, death comes to me every 10mins if I don't do anything on comp... BSoD screensaver. Sometimes, I think it's real... Scares the shit out of me.

Seems I won't live long with all that stress, will I?
My, my, what do I see...


Well, at least I'm pretty sure you can survive outside the Member Intro Thread, so off you go, boy. -w-

OS Freak

Yes I believe We should cut the chit chat of history. How about you PM me. (private message) or perhaps Smokey or Nejin tell us a link to go. Hmm based on Nejin there might not be a thread about history. PM me better if you want.
Death as come. 2K Chan has but killed in extended Support. She has finally become Unsupported She is finally fully rejected by her Birth company. It\'s so sad...


Well, sorry for a little bit late
Welcome to the os-tan collections forum Friendkiller. Hope you can have fun and get along with everyone.

Anyway, a little bit OTing, but, Did anyone here can be contact outside of this forum? Something like MSN or Yahoo Messenger.
--- When it\'s worth doing, it\'s worth overdoing it ---


See that bar under everyones post with those buttons? [profile][PM][email][WWW][YIM][MSNM]?
Those are the alternate ways of contacting people... ^_^
I dont tell you how to tell me what to do, so dont tell me how to do what you tell me to do... Bender the Great) :/
[Img disabled by Fedora-Tan]
Thanks Fedora-sama
Homer no function beer well without (Homer Simpson) ^_^


[Facepalm self]

Drat, how stupid I am for all this time and never realize about those little button.
--- When it\'s worth doing, it\'s worth overdoing it ---


wish we could update the poll. but when's the last time any of the OM's (original member) were on? pitkin? panda? even tsubashi, the mod, is few and far between.
mr cat? xi wang chan?
speaking of which, what happened to cockleshell and vaereth?
click to make it bigger

Aurora Borealis

Panda left a long time ago (before I started posting, almost three years ago) and Pitkin (who was a former admin) left after he resigned about two years ago.

C-Chan left in Nov '08, as did Bella. NewYinzer was another very active member on OSC three years ago (in fact, he was the first to reach 1,000 posts) but hasn't been seen here in two years.

Tsubashi occasionally shows up, and so does Xi Wang Chan (saw him in the Desktop Thread recently) but Mister Cat left earlier this year.

SleepyD hasn't been here in a while, but I still see him on Deviant ART.

Haven't seen Cockleshell in a while though she was here earlier today, since her name shows up in the list of users at the bottom of the main page.


Maybe you can reset thiss poll then?
Since it'd be a shame to delete this whiole topic...
I dont tell you how to tell me what to do, so dont tell me how to do what you tell me to do... Bender the Great) :/
[Img disabled by Fedora-Tan]
Thanks Fedora-sama
Homer no function beer well without (Homer Simpson) ^_^


Don't forget Toki ;_; She's an old member kinda. Just not really old. And she's only gone for maybe two months before she misses everyone too much.

Hay guys I'm Toki and I'm extremely cute.



Hey Toki!

We missed you too, but I'm pretty sure you were gone longer than two months! ><

Gah, I've got no gimmick...

The Choice of a New Generation.