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Member Introduction Thread

Started by Pitkin, December 11, 2005, 04:12:02 PM

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Thanks for being so nice  ;hi


Okay, now the official welcome....

And I'll even spice it up accordingly since I know you two are die-hard XP fans.....

IRRASSHAI MASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

C-Chan added the following  16 minutes after last message :

Quotelol i feel so welcome! actually i was wondering how to get a signature bar/picture/banner thingy related to the OS-tan's

Well, since there's likely no repository for OS-tan signatures, it's really something you would need to create on your own.  Say like using a program such as Irfanview to crop the picture of OSX10.4-tan and XP-tan above, shrinking it down to a 500x200 size (anything greater and you'll be attacked by a panda... ^^'), uploading it to an online photo album such as Flickr or Photobucket, and then pasting the link in the signature box of your Profile.

Course, you can also get somebody to commission one as well.  Alfamille makes really nice sigs, though I haven't seen him for a while.  '_'

But let me know if I can help you, and maybe I could hook ya up!  ^v-

C-Chan added the following  2 minutes after last message :

Quoteyeah i can't wait to see if someone will release an Xbox 360-tan, Wii-tan, or *shiver* the evil PS3-tan

I can confirm that there are least xbox360-tan's, but like Vista there are too many independent designs floating around to call any one of them "official".

I might have seen a Wii-tan on Waka, but PS3-tan is still iffy.  (I'm sure there are, but again nothing official.)


Thanks for the picture. I hate Mac's but OSX-tan is hott and XP-tan is, of course, super hot. I'll make a bar later on with the pic ^^


yo, brouge.

looking at how you're posting, I think we have another person to rival Yinzer. haha


Quotelooking at how you're posting, I think we have another person to rival Yinzer. haha

Say what?
*Pulls out Terrible Towel*
Yo messin' wit a Stillers fan?
*Puts away Terrible Towel*
Just kidding! Welcome to the forums!


Gyahaha!  ^v^

Dude, I'm sure they're gonna need you to translate that into standard English (plus rehash that lecture on the whole yinzer thing....  ^.^)


QuoteSay what?
*Pulls out Terrible Towel*
Yo messin' wit a Stillers fan?
*Puts away Terrible Towel*
Just kidding! Welcome to the forums!

What are you talking about?
*Pulls out Terrible Towel*
What's going on? How dare you mess with a Steelers fan?
*Puts away Terrible Towel*
Just kidding! Welcome to the forums!


Now everyone knows where that "hunk of land" is now.  Fufufu.... ^.^


QuoteNow everyone knows where that "hunk of land" is now. Fufufu.... ^.^

Coulda sworn that I said that earlier...
...but, Steelers Nation is not just in Pittsburgh!


I'm a panthers fan myself but i've always sorta liked the steelers especially troy polomalu. HE ROCKS!


QuoteI'm a panthers fan myself but i've always sorta liked the steelers especially troy polomalu. HE ROCKS!

Hellz yeah!

In other news, we need more members! Any ideas?



Quotemore advertising?

Yes, but I don't know how! We've advertised on Wikipedia, Uncyclopedia, other Anime sites, but I feel as though we're approaching the end of places to advertise!


have you tried or you could even try, they've recently redone alot of things


Quotehave you tried or you could even try, they've recently redone alot of things

...I'll check these places out!
*gets in YinzerMobile*
I'll be back!