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Member Introduction Thread

Started by Pitkin, December 11, 2005, 04:12:02 PM

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Hi, I'm eekee. I'm in a relationship with Source-Mage-tan; a sometimes stormy one I have to admit, although lately it's become more relaxed and even quite fulfilling.

I also know Plan-9-tan quite well and have even helped her out a little, but it takes time to really understand her, while her daughter, Inferno-chan, simply can't stand the PDA I want her to help me out with.



You obviously seem to know some of the way around here, huh. Well, good, ain't that! >:3
Welcome anyways, though - if you're a very longtime lurker I can understand it, but otherwise I'd really like to know how you shook those oldies up.


lolwhut? hehe, I only heard of the site yesterday, was pleasantly amusd to find -tans of the distro & OSs I use, none are exactly mainstream. Actually Ã,ngstrom-tan is missing but I don't care about her so much, she's weird, hehe. Quite a lot of the wiki pages gave me a good laugh actually, they were astonishingly apt.

To be literal, Source Mage is what I run on my desktop & I've slowly worked my way up to being a Source Mage developer, but when I started with it I got into difficulties and had to give up a couple of times. I went back to Suse-tan both times, she's accommodating but not really caring, you know. ;)

Angstrom is about the only Linux that will run on my PDA, and I have an active interest in Plan 9 & Inferno. I would rather like to get Inferno running on my PDA but it fails with illegal instruction errors, hence "she simply can't stand it". As to "helping Plan-9-tan out", I once fixed a bug in a Plan 9 component, which was much easier than fixing anything in a "modern" Gnu/Linux system. I suppose that accounts for my interest in older software. Source Mage isn't obsolete though, I'd say it's just-about maturing.

BTW is the wiki only for -tans that have been seen in manga and anime? I could add a few although I'm not sure about putting them in the right social groups. The Open Embedded family possibly should be a group unto themselves & they're all missing. Gentoo-tan also needs a page, she's legendary among Linux distros for the annoyingness of her fanboys! :)


Eeeehm, first off welcome... been awhile since i've seen a rant in MIT, and one that is patrly OT aswell... ^_^ anyway, judging from your first two posts you're gonna have a good time here, and as for the wiki, you should contact AuroraBorealis. She being a mod might know more about such things... BTW if i'm not mistaken she also has an affinity for old skool non-MS OSes...
I dont tell you how to tell me what to do, so dont tell me how to do what you tell me to do... Bender the Great) :/
[Img disabled by Fedora-Tan]
Thanks Fedora-sama
Homer no function beer well without (Homer Simpson) ^_^

Aurora Borealis

Welcome, eekee! I'm delighted to meet a person who specializes in alternative OSes and interested in alternative OS-tans!

To answer your question about the OS-tan wiki, it's for any OS-tan that has been drawn. Not all of them have pages simply because no one has typed them up yet. Would you like to try making some articles? However you're going to have to ask the forum admin Tsubashi about that because there is no actual wiki mod (both of them left months ago. I'm surprised no one got appointed afterwards).


Mind well, as the OS-tans are (originally) a Futaba phenomenon, there's nothing anime or manga that's commercial of them. Just think of the copyright issues >_>


Hello All, my self Rolando Carey and I am going to participate in mascot costumes competition and I wonder if some here have participated in such kind of competition. please share your tips.

I am wearing tiger mascot for this competition.
Rolando Carey wearing tiger mascot Costumes.


Thanks for all the welcomes. ^_^

So um, it's no use making a wiki page describing an OS-tan & leaving the art for later? I got some good laughs out of some of the descriptions & would like to try my hand at making one or two is all. :)

What's a Futaba phenomenon? OS-tans don't seem to have a lot to do with radio control (although the iMac girl might, by the look of her). O.o

Hello rolando. o/ Mascot competitions? Never heard of those, but as for generally wearing the suit, I'd try it for a few hours on a hot day to see if you can handle it. Some people install a computer case fan in the head to help keep cool, and I'm reminded of the usb-powered shirt which has 2 usb-powered fans in the sides. Fans in the sides would spoil the smooth look though.

Aurora Borealis

The OS-tan series originated on the Japanese image board Futaba Channel in 2003, with the creation of Windows ME-tan. From there, members of Futaba also created the canon OS-tans.


Yeah, welcome rolando (rolando, right?)...

I don't know about mascots, but we do have cosplay here (or had is the better word...) and well, yeah keeping cool on a hot sunny day would seem hard to me in such a heavy suit... ^_^
I dont tell you how to tell me what to do, so dont tell me how to do what you tell me to do... Bender the Great) :/
[Img disabled by Fedora-Tan]
Thanks Fedora-sama
Homer no function beer well without (Homer Simpson) ^_^

OS Freak

And a very cool phenomenon. Come to think of it, ME Started it. The most troublesome of the oses but one of the cuttest. My fave is XP Home but I do remark Me chan's beauty. Wow look at this I'm alone at the forums:
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...Weird... lol
Death as come. 2K Chan has but killed in extended Support. She has finally become Unsupported She is finally fully rejected by her Birth company. It\'s so sad...


Hello, I'm new here and I'm from the US.
I was wondering about something on the forums.
Pretty much every thread has an envelope thing on the left side, and if I hover my mouse over it, it says "No new posts."
Does that mean there haven't been any posts since I last looked, or does it mean that we aren't allowed to post on that topic any more?

Added after 1 hours 6 minutes:

Never minds, it seems to just mean there haven't been new posts since I last looked.


Uhm... okay... you kind of asnwered your own question. But yeah, you are right on that one... the envelopes tell whether there are new post on a given thread, forum section, and/or announcement threads... the'yre even color-coded.

Anyways... welcome to the OSC bandwagon... look look for cookies on the front and cool seats on the back... oh, and... a lot of pretty images!
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Hello everybody!!

Long time no see...!

Do you miss me?

I miss you all.......



Added after 1 minutes:

Quite frankly, I don't think we did, though, because there are so many "missing" members we can hardly count them all :( let alone miss them all ;_;

But once they return...GOOD STUFFS. >:3

Welcome back-ee!